[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] Himalayan Linguistics 16.2 (December 2017) is out!

Kristine Hildebrandt khildeb at siue.edu
Wed Jan 17 23:32:34 UTC 2018

Dear T-B and Himalayan languages community:

We are pleased to release issue 16.2/December 2017 of Himalayan Linguistics!


Please feel free to spread the word, too!

This issue has five strong articles:

—“Burushaski and unique Slavic isoglosses” by Ilija Čašule

—“Sub-grouping Kho-Bwa based on shared core vocabulary” by Ismael
Lieberherr and Timotheus Adrianus Bodt

—“Segmenting and POS tagging Classical Tibetan using a memory-based tagger”
by Marieke Meelen and Nathan W. Hill

—“Re-evaluation of the evidential system of Lhasa Tibetan and its atypical
functions” by Guillaume Oisel

—“King’s Pig: A story in Lhagang Tibetan with a grammatical annotation on a
narrative mode” by Hiroyuki Suzuki and Sonam Wangmo

In the summer of 2017 the University of California updated its eScholarship
web publishing platform, so the journal has a slightly different look and
feel. You can access all published volumes and issues by clicking on the
most recent issue, which opens a drop-down menu for selection. As I become
more familiar with my administrative powers that I have with this
redesigned site, I will make some periodic design changes to make sure that
everything is clear and accessible, and when I do that, I will update our
readership about this.

I want to take this opportunity to make a couple of announcements:

1. HL welcomes Lauren Gawne and Mark Post to our editorial board! We are
excited to have their expertise as well as that access to the
Tibeto-Burman/Himalayan and also to the broader typology and documentation

2. The Stylesheet has been updated.


Of particular note is the addition of a requirement for DOI/Last Accessed
Date information for electronic references in the bibliography (e.g. web
pages, web-based publications and articles/blogs). Also, when authors have
been notified that their submission is accepted for publication, they will
be asked to format their final version into a template that we will provide
to them.

Finally, I wish to thank our current editorial and advisory board members,
in particular, You-Jing Lin, who does the herculean tasks of final
formatting and proofs creation. In this same spirit, I am also grateful to
the authors who work with us to see the issue to publication in a timely

We look forward to continued submissions by interested authors. If you have
any questions about manuscript submission (and also if you have any
concerns about the eScholarship site) please feel free to contact me at
khildeb at siue.edu

Thanks again!

('Thanks' in Manange)

*Kristine A. Hildebrandt*
*Associate Professor, Department of English Language & Literature

*Secretary, Association for Linguistic Typology
*Editor, Himalayan Linguistics
Check out our Manang Languages <https://mananglanguages.isg.siue.edu/> project
*Southern Illinois University Edwardsville*

*Box 1431Edwardsville, IL 62026 U.S.A.618-650-3991 (department voicemail)*

*khildeb at siue.edu <khildeb at siue.edu>http://www.siue.edu/~khildeb
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