[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] workshop at ICHL24: TB material culture (abstracts due 12 October!)
Mark W. Post
markwpost at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 04:02:52 UTC 2018
Dear Colleagues,
Please see the below announcement for a workshop on "bottom-up"
reconstruction of TB material culture targeting mid-level subgroups to
be co-organized by Gwendolyn Hyslop, Yankee Modi and Mark W Post at the
24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics at ANU in
Canberra next year. Note that ICHL24 takes place between July 1-5, 2019,
directly following a week of ICSTLL/HLS in Sydney. We invite submissions
which, unfortunately, need to be in very early and very quickly -
October 12!! Please see below for further details and instructions.
Workshop Title:
Bottom up and archaeobotanical approaches to reconstructable
Tibeto-Burman material culture
Historical linguistic methods can yield useful insights regarding
population prehistories. For example, Mallory (1991) argues that we can
attribute stockbreeding to speakers of Proto-Indo-European based in part
on the fact that forms for ‘sheep’, ‘cattle’, ‘goat’ and ‘pig’ can be
reconstructed to the proto-language. In the Austronesian world, Blust
(1995) reconstructs words for ‘typhoon’ and ‘snow; ice; frost’ for
Proto-Austronesian, suggesting that the people who spoke the proto
language lived in an environment where there were typhoons and snow, ice
or frost (fitting the picture for Taiwan). A considerable amount can
also be inferred about Proto-Austronesian speakers’ economy. For
instance, Blust (1995) shows that this culture was most likely familiar
with rice agriculture, based on his reconstruction of words for ‘paddy’,
‘harvested rice’ and ‘cooked rice’. In addition, Blust also reconstructs
exploitation of several millet species, as well as root crops (such as
wild taro), tree crops, domesticated animals, means by which animals
were captured (hunting and fishing), and aspects of food preparation,
tools and implements, settlements and housing, clothing, music, social
organisation, disease and death, and the spirit world. The aim in this
workshop is to apply these methods to the Tibeto-Burman-speaking world,
using a “bottom-up” approach which focuses on the subgroup level.
There has been some work in this area within Tibeto-Burman. Bradley
(1997), for example, argues that eight different crops (rice, panicum
millet, foxtail millet, sorghum, buckwheat, barley, wheat, Job’s tears)
reconstruct to Proto Burmic, spoken perhaps four thousand years ago. At
the same time, this reconstruction could be read as conflicting with
archaeobotanical findings which suggest that not all these crops would
have been in use at the same time at that time depth (e.g.
D’Alpoim-Guedes et al. 2014). Recent advances in the fields of
archaeobotany and language documentation now mean that we can take new
data from previously under-studied subgroups, and by examining what
might reconstruct at lower and more confident levels, develop a more
nuanced and empirically better-supported account of Tibeto-Burman
This workshop this aims to advance hypotheses concerning linguistically
reconstructable aspects of early Tibeto-Burman material culture and
environmental economy by focusing closely on the subgroup level. This
workshop welcomes all recontributions that are aimed at reconstructing
lexicon at the subgroup level, dealing with flora, fauna, productive
economy (agriculture, hunting, foraging, artefacts and their
construction) and any other features that will contribute to a nuanced
characterisation of early Tibeto-Burman speaking cultures.
Blust, Robert. 1995. The Prehistory of the Austronesian-Speaking
Peoples: A View from Language. Journal of World Prehistory 9(4):
Bradley, David. 1997. What Did They Eat? Grain Crops in the Burmic
Groups. Mon-Khmer Studies 27: 161–70.
d’Alpoim Guedes, Jade, Hongliang Lu, Yongxian Li, Robert N. Spengler,
Xiaohong Wu, and Mark S. Aldenderfer. 2014 Moving Agriculture onto the
Tibetan Plateau: The Archaeobotanical Evidence. Archaeological and
Anthropological Sciences 6 (3): 255–69. doi:10.1007/s12520-013-0153-4.
Hyslop, Gwendolyn. 2015. Emergent insights into Proto-East-Bodish
agricultural economy. In eds. Mark W Post, Stephen Morey, and Scott
DeLancey Language and culture in Northeast India: In honor of Robbins
Burling, 276-288. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Linguistics.
Mallory, J. 1991. In Search of the Indo-Europeans : Language,
Archaeology and Myth. London: Thames and Hudson.
Call for papers:
We invite abstracts that deal with data from low level sub-groups within
Tibeto-Burman and their resultant reconstructions. We are especially
interested in papers that will address the reconstruction of
archaeobotanical knowledge (such as grains and their cultivation
processes) but also welcome papers that address other topics, such as
environment, farming practices, or other aspects of tangible and
intangible culture. Accepted participants will be allotted 20 minutes to
present and 10 minutes allocated for discussion, including commentary
from non-Linguistic specialists of other fields. Abstracts should be no
more than one page with 12pt font, and can include a second page for
references. For more details about the conference and workshop, please
refer to: http://www.dynamicsoflanguage.edu.au/ichl24/workshops/
<http://www.dynamicsoflanguage.edu.au/ichl24/workshops/>. Abstracts may
be submitted here:
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