[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] Fwd: Extended deadline: NEILS11 Call for Papers

Randy LaPolla randy.lapolla at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 12:57:41 UTC 2019

From: Linda Konnerth <linda.konnerth at mail.huji.ac.il>
Date: 29 August 2019 at 7:54:50 PM SGT
To: <neils at lists.uoregon.edu>
Subject: Extended deadline: NEILS11 Call for Papers

Note: The deadline of the NEILS11 Call for Papers has been extended. Please submit your abstract by September 10, 2019. 


Dear fellow linguist and/or North East Indianist,

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 11th International Conference of the North East Indian Linguistics Society (NEILS). NEILS11 will take place from February 7-9, 2020, in Kokrajhar, Assam, India and will be hosted by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences and Centre for Linguistics and Cultural Studies, Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar.

As the primary focus of NEILS is the description of the rich cultural-linguistic diversity that exists in North East India, papers should have a primary descriptive component, preferably from a functional-typological or anthropological-linguistic perspective. Field reports are acceptable. Papers whose sole or primary focus is formal, theoretical and/or computational in nature, or papers whose focus is about languages not spoken in North East India, are unlikely to be accepted for presentation. However, we will consider papers concerning languages spoken in the areas of Myanmar, China, Bhutan, Bangladesh and West Bengal that border the North East.

To present a paper at the conference, please prepare an abstract of no more than 500 words (exclusive of data and references, if any). Please write your abstract using only Times New Roman, 12pt. In the first line(s), give the full title of your paper; below it give your name and affiliation (e.g., [Stephen Morey (La Trobe University)]; below it leave one line empty; and below that, give the abstract, followed by references, if any. Examples/tables/figures should be inserted where discussed, rather than at the end of the abstract.

Please submit your abstract no later than September 10, 2019 on the EasyChair website. To do so, please use the following link:


EasyChair abstract submission instructions

(1)   If you do not have an EasyChair account yet, you will first need to create one. The link above takes you to the log-in page – just below the red “Log in” button, you can click on “create an account”. If you have used EasyChair before (for example for NEILS10), you can log in with the same user name and password that you have used before.
(2)   Once you are logged in to your EasyChair account, the NEILS11 page of EasyChair will open. It clearly says at the top “NEILS11 (11th International Conference of the North East Indian Linguistics Society)”. Click on the blue link that says “enter as an author”.
(3)   The next page is the abstract submission page. It requires you to enter the following information:
a.     “Author 1”: If you are the single author of your paper, just fill in this information. You may click on “click here to add yourself” so the system fills in (part of) the necessary information
b.     “Author 2”/ “Author 3”: If you don’t have any co-authors of your paper, just skip this step. If you do have co-authors, put their information in these boxes.
c.     “Title and Abstract”: Copy and paste both your title and your entire abstract in the given boxes. To do so, you can go to your word document, highlight/select the title and press “Ctrl” and “c” at the same time, then go to the EasyChair website and in the ‘title’ box press “Ctrl” and “v”. Then do the same for the entire abstract. 
If your abstract contains figures and/or tables, they will not show up here. Don’t worry about this as you will also upload a file with your abstract in the “Uploads” section (see e. below).
d.     “Keywords”: Specify 3 keywords that characterize the content of your paper. This can be about the linguistic subdiscipline (phonology, morphology, etc.), language family or branch, or more specific notions (“speech act participants”, “verb agreement”, “tone”, etc.)
e.    “Preference for 20 minute slot”: If you prefer a 20 minute time slot for your presentation (rather than 30 minutes), please check the box.  
f.     “Abstract upload”: Upload the actual file of your abstract here. Click on 'Browse...' and find the location of the file on your computer. Ideally, this should be a PDF document but if need be, DOC, DOCX, or ODT documents are also acceptable. Please write your abstract using Times New Roman, 12pt. In the first line(s), give the full title of your paper; below it give your name and affiliation (e.g., [Stephen Morey (La Trobe University)]; below it leave one line empty; and below that, give the abstract, followed by references, if any. Examples/tables/figures should be inserted where discussed, rather than at the end of the abstract.
g.      Finally, click the “Submit” button. The system will generate an email that confirms your submission.

If you have trouble submitting your abstract on the EasyChair website, please get in touch with Linda Konnerth (linda.konnerth at mail.huji.ac.il).

Notification of abstract acceptance will normally take place in early October, although early submissions/decisions for those needing to make extensive advance travel arrangements can be arranged. 

Presentation time slots

At NEILS11, the schedule will again include a mix of 20 minute and 30 minute slots for presentations. Generally, the Program Committee gives 30 minute slots to those papers that appear to require, and benefit from, more time for presentation and discussion, based on the submitted abstract. However, those participants who prefer a 20 minute slot should check the box "Preference for 20 minute time slot" during the abstract submission in EasyChair.



The fee schedule for NEILS is as follows, and includes lunch and tea/snacks on each day of the conference:

Rs. 700             SAARC student without financial support (please provide evidence such as a letter

from the Head of the Department)

Rs. 1800           SAARC student with financial support

Rs. 2500           SAARC non-student (includes teaching faculty pursuing PhD) or International student

Rs. 4500           International non-student


Important dates

September 1, 2019: Abstract submission deadline

Early October: Notification of abstract acceptance

November 1: Registration opens (for presenters and non-presenters)

December 1: Registration closes for presenters

January 15: Registration closes for non-presenters

January 16: Last day to cancel registration


NOTE: We will need to collect registration fees at the time of registration (i.e., by December 1st, 2019 at the latest). We are currently setting up payment options. Details will be provided when registration opens on November 1st.



The NEILS policy on certificates is as follows:

a) Everyone attending the conference will have to register themselves by paying the relevant fees. We do not have a single day fee. 

b) Certificates will be issued only to paper presenters. Merely registering for the conference by paying the relevant fees will not entitle a person to a certificate.

c) In order to receive individual certificates, each co-author of a paper will have to pay the relevant registration fees irrespective of whether they attend the conference in person or not. If a fee is not paid by non-attending authors, only one certificate will be issued to the attending author, but naming the paper and all the authors.

d) Jointly authored papers, one of whose authors is unable to attend the conference, will be considered for publication in the NEILS volumes under the name of all co-authors.



Accommodation will be available, and will be announced in due course.


A new website is currently being built at <http://www.neils.co.in/>. We will soon start making information available on this website. For any specific questions, please contact any of the organizers.


We look forward to welcoming you to Kokrajhar in February!

With our best,

The Organizers, NEILS11

Krishna Boro (Gauhati University and University of Oregon) krishnaboro08 at gmail.com

Scott DeLancey (University of Oregon)                     delancey at uoregon.edu 

Linda Konnerth (Hebrew University and University of Oregon) linda.konnerth at mail.huji.ac.il

Stephen Morey (La Trobe University) s.morey at latrobe.edu.au
Jyotiprakash Tamuli (Gauhati University) jyotiprakash.tamuli at gmail.com 




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