[Tibeto-burman-linguistics] Himalayan Linguistics 17.2/December 2018 is published!

Kristine Hildebrandt khildeb at siue.edu
Sun Jan 20 18:38:10 UTC 2019

Dear colleagues and friends:

I am pleased to announce that *Himalayan Linguistics
<https://escholarship.org/uc/himalayanlinguistics>*, 17.2/December 2018 is
now published and available for your reading pleasure. *Himalayan
Linguistics* is completely open access, and there is no charge to access
articles or to subscribe for updates. You can do any of this by visiting
this page:


In this issue, we have three articles and one archival contribution:

1. Joanna Bialek: The Proto-Tibetan clusters sL- and sR-and the
periodisation of Old Tibetan

2. Kalyan Das, Shakuntala Mahanta: Distribution of lexical tones in Boro

3. Sh. Francis Monsang, Sahiinii Lemaina Veikho: Sound system of Monsang

4. Linda Konnerth, Sikari Tisso: Karbi texts

Past and current authors will notice a nice (and relatively new) feature of
*HL* articles as they are housed on the eScholarship platform: They all
have DOI (digital object identifiers), which greatly aids in tracking
digital publications over the long term, for example when you enter this
information into various online portals. Other changes and improvements to
the HL page are in the pipeline, and I will announce these changes as they

As we look towards the future, I want to let potential authors know that
issue 18.2/December 2019 will be a regular issue in the sense that any
articles submitted and peer-reviewed for acceptance by the end of
September/October are eligible for publication in that issue. But in 18.1
and for 2-3 issues afterwards, we will have a series of themed/special
issues coming out. Please stay tuned into the *HL* site to find out more
about these exciting developments!

Finally: I want to remind everyone that *HL* is maintained entirely through
the (uncompensated) volunteer efforts of the editor, the editorial board,
and the advisory board. I wish to extend my gratitude to our editorial and
advisory board, and especially to our copy-editor You-Jing Lin, who always
helps me to get these important publications out in beautiful form.

Kristine Hildebrandt


khildeb at siue.edu

('Thanks' in Manange)

*Kristine A. Hildebrandt*
*Associate Professor, Department of English Language & Literature
*President, Endangered Language Fund

*Secretary, Association for Linguistic Typology
*Editor, Himalayan Linguistics

*Southern Illinois University Edwardsville*

*Box 1431Edwardsville, IL 62026 U.S.A.618-650-3991 (department voicemail)*

*khildeb at siue.edu <khildeb at siue.edu>http://www.siue.edu/~khildeb
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