Komi Characters

Klaas Ruppel klaas.ruppel at KOTUS.FI
Wed Sep 20 16:53:22 UTC 2000

A few minutes ago Michael Everson called me from Athens, where the
committee maintaining the standard ISO/IEC 10646 is having a meeting.
The proposal made by Everson, Ruppel and Trosterud to include 16
Cyrillic Letters of a Komi Orthography used from 1919 until the
1930's has been accepted.

The proposal is available at

Let us hope that we will succeed also with FUPA in a reasonable time.
|\ |\ |\  Klaas Ruppel http://www.kotus.fi/english.html
| \| \| \ Kotus        http://www.kotus.fi
| /| /| / Focis        http://www.kotus.fi/svenska
|/ |/ |/  Tel. +358 9 7315 268        Fax +358 9 7315 355

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