Unicode dictionaries of Mari and Estonian

Johanna Laakso johanna.laakso at univie.ac.at
Wed Jun 13 06:25:22 UTC 2001

Dear all,

A trial Unicode version of a Mari-Russian-Japanese mini-dictionary
is now at:


I'd like to know how it looks like at your end of the globe.
You will perhaps need some Unicode CJK font to be installed in
your PC. I am afraid Mac users may have trouble as the
Unicode font I use to show Mari text, "Lucida Sans Unicode",
seems to be Windows-inherant.

I have also an Estonian-Japanese mini-dictionary in Unicode


Two residents in Estonia, an Estonian in Tallinn and a Japanese
in Tartu, have reported that this dictionary worked for them
on their PC.

Since the Estonian dictionary is half-Japanese and half-Estonian
and the Mari dicitonary is basically a Cyrillic document, try
the latter first in case you have doubt :-)

Kazuto Matsumura (kmatsum at tooyoo.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
Univ. of Tokyo

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