
Johanna Laakso johanna.laakso at
Wed Mar 28 06:28:07 UTC 2001

Dear Uralists,

forwarded, a message from László Fejes, with a suggestion to think about the
possible similarities between the situation of the Albanians in Macedonia
and the Finno-Ugrians of Russia in their titular republics.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Laakso
Institut für Finno-Ugristik der Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2-4, Hof 7, A-1090 Wien
johanna.laakso at |

From: =?iso-8859-2?q?Fejes=20L=E1szl=F3?= <lounapoder at>
To: Komi-Estonia <komi.estonia at>,
        Ugrimugri List <ugrimugri at>,
        URA-list <ura-list at>
Subject: Fw: [multiethnic] Euro-Balkan institute: FACTS ABOUT THE ALBANIAN


 Asi on huvitav, sest Makedoonia pole palju suurem, kui soome-ugrilaste
nimivabariigid, ja albaanlaste lugu on suhteliselt sama elanikonnas, kui
soome-ugri nimivabariigides.  Aga teistes asjades olukord on vága
teissugune! Lugege!  Mõtelge!


 · The official data from the last census, carried out on June 20, 1994,
says that 22,9 percent of the population in Macedonia are ethnic Albanians.

[Makedoonias elab 2.163.000 ihmist. - FL]

      · The
unique system of education provides education for the Albanian youth in
Albanian language in all subjects of the education curriculum from primary
to university education. 30,41 percent (77496 pupils) of the total number of
pupils in the primary education of the Republic of Macedonia are ethnic
Albanians. They are assigned in 2986 classes, in the school year 2000/2001,
and are educated in Albanian language. The primary and the secondary
education in Macedonia are funded by the state.   · There are 15302
students of Albanian nationality, i.e. 17 percent, attending the education
in the secondary education i.e. the high schools. They are assigned in 450
classes, including all fields of vocational and general high school
education.   · A raising number of young Albanians are educated in both
state universities in Skopje and Bitola. The university administrations and
the Ministry of Education pledge for involvement of bigger number of
students from different nationalities. Both of the state universities are
implementing an "affirmative action" for years - a special quota according
to the census population, out of the quota of the regular students. By such
an affirmative action it is ensured that there will be 22,3% Albanians
within the new accepted students.
· The "Law on Usage of the Languages of the Nationalities in the Pedagogical
Faculty in Skopje ", passed 1997, anticipates a bigger number of students,
who will be educated in the languages of the nationalities. At the moment
the Pedagogical Faculty in Skopje produces a sufficient number of teaching
personnel, including teachers in various kindergartens and teachers in the
elementary schools that will meet the needs of the Albanian children. The
head of the faculty, the dean, is of Albanian nationality, while the
professors-Albanians, in accordance with the percentage, participate in the
professors ' council i.e. in the administration. Furthermore, a Department
of Albanian Language and Literature has been established within the
frameworks of the Faculty of Philology.   · The new Law on Higher
Education, passed last fall, enables founding of a South-Eastern Europe
Private University in Tetovo, which bridges the issue of the higher
education of the Albanians in Macedonia. This University is due to commence
its work with the first generation of students this fall. The adoption of
the new Law on Higher Education was supported by the OSCE and the EU, and
was supported by various political parties.   · The informative system
includes a remarkable number of media in Albanian language. There are 64
newspapers, magazines and other periodicals in Albanian language registered
in the Agency of Information, out of which 4 are daily newspapers, 12 weekly
and 25 monthly newspapers. Albanians have also registered many electronic
media - radio and TV stations, which are broadcasting in Albanian language.
Furthermore, the second channel of the Macedonian National Television, as a
public state owned national broadcasting service, broadcasts at least 6
programs in the languages of the nationalities every day - more than 70 %
(at least 4 hours) is in Albanian language. In many occasions, the
Macedonian Television also organizes and broadcasts festivals and other
cultural events in Albanian language. The preparation of the third channel
of the Macedonian Television is on its way. The purpose of this channel is
to broadcast program only in the languages of nationalities, mainly the
Albanian language. 

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