Conf.: New Trends in Uralistics

Johanna Laakso johanna.laakso at
Fri Jul 17 07:50:45 UTC 2009

Dear All,

forwarded (below, thanks to Sándor Szeverényi), the programme of the Szeged
conference "New Trends in Uralistics".

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Laakso
Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Abteilung für Finno-Ugristik
Universitätscampus AAKH, Spitalgasse 2-4 Hof 7, A-1090 Wien
Tel. +43 1 4277 43019 | Fax +43 1 4277 9430
johanna.laakso at |

”New Trends in Uralistics”
University of Szeged, Department of Finno-Ugrian Philology
Thursday 3.9.2009
10.00–10.30 registration
10.30–10.45 welcome
10.45–11.45 keynote speech: Skutnabb-Kangas, Tove: Indigenous education and
11.45–12.00 coffee break
12.00–13.00 keynote speech: Grünthal, Riho: Uralic studies and language
typology: rivals or partners?
13.00–14.00 lunch break
14.00–14.30 Radnaeva, Ljubov: Endangered languages and the use of recordings
and fieldwork data for the documentation and revitalization. Case of Saami
14.30–15.00 Kazakevich, Olga: Language endangerment and structural changes
in endangered languages: a case study of the Northern Selkup dialects
15.00–15.30 Janurik, Boglárka: The correlation of grammatical types of
code-switching with sociolinguistic factors in the speech of Erzya-Russian
15.30–15.45 coffee break
15.45–16.15 Graaf, Tearsd de: The Use of Sound Archives for the Study and
Teaching of Endangered Languages
16.15–16.45 Zamyatin, Konstantin: Language policies and legal framework for
functioning of official languages in the republics of Udmurtia and Mari El
16.45–17.00 coffee break
17.00–17.30 Myznikov, Sergey: Этноязыковая ассимиляция и ее отражение в
вепсском ареале
17.30–18.00 Kovács, Magdolna: Language Typology and Code-switching in
Finno-Ugric Languages
14.00–14.30 Schirm, Anita: Alienable and inalienable possessions in
14.30–15.00 Volkova, Anna: Long-distance reflexives in Eastern Mari and
15.00–15.30 Kondratyeva, Natalja – Zhenya Sundokova: The semantic system of
prolative in the Permic languages
15.30–15.45 coffee break
15.45–16.15 Malkina, Olga: Лингвистический аспект панхронической теории
16.15–16.45 Ljublinskaya, Marina: О функциях фонологии в ненецком языке
16.45–17.00 coffee break
17.00–17.30 Masahiko Nose: Contrastive study of the adverbial case functions
between Finno-Ugric and Australian languages
17.30–18.00 Urmanchieva, Anna: Дивергенция энецких диалкетов: факты и
возможные обяснения
Friday 4.9.2009
10.00–11.00 keynote speech: Skribnik, Elena: Construction grammar in
Finno-Ugric studies
11.00–11.15 coffee break
11.15–11.45 Kozmács, István: Negation in the Permic languages
11.45–12.15 Farkas, Judit: Indexed grammar in Finnish syntax
12.15–12.45 Asztalos, Erika: Word order in Udmurt and in Komi-Permyak – from
a typological view
12.45–13.45 lunch break
11.15–11.45 Burkova, Svetlana: The evidentiality category in Nenets
11.45–12.15 Bakró-Nagy, Marianne: Subordination types in Uralic conditional
12.15–12.45 Sorokina, Irina: Типология функцирования притяжательных
суффиксов в самодийских языков
12.45–13.45 lunch break
14.00–15.00 poster session
Nikolaevna, D. V.: Финно-угры и родные языки
Aybabina, Jevgenija – Beznosikova, Lyucia: Двуязычие и родной язык
(некоторые проблемы функционирования и развития коми языка в Республике
Shirobokova, Larisa – Tatjana Efremova: Spheres of using of the Udmurt, Mari
and Russian languages by native young speakers in daily activities
Salánki, Zsuzsa: Linguistic conflicts, with regard to the ethnolinguistic
vitality: a factor or a consequence? The Udmurt case.
Usacheva, Maria: Spatial case meaning in the Uralic languages
Normanskaya, Julia – Anna V. Dybo: Реконструкция системы названий ’руки’ у
прасамодийцев и ее развитие в современных самодийских языках
Wagner-Nagy, Beáta – Szeverényi, Sándor: Semantics of the Nganasan verbs ’to
Oszkó, Beatrix – Ponomareva, Larisa: The situation of the Komi-Permyak
Mus, Nikolett: Watah teda yəŋku (Wata does not have any reindeer), or are
there any relations between possessive marking and negation in Tundra
15.00–15.30 Tamm, Anne: Morphological versus syntactic negation in the
Uralic languages: focus on the abessive and caritive constructions
15.30–16.00 Wagner-Nagy, Beáta – Viola, Sarolta: Typology of non-verbal
predicates in the Ugric and Samoyedic languages
16.00–16.30 Szeverényi, Sándor: Depictive in Nganasan
16.30–16.45 coffee break
16.45–17.15 Virtanen, Susanna: Remarks on object marking in Eastern Mansi
17.15–17.45 Sipőcz, Katalin: Ditransitive constructions in Mansi
15.00–15.30 Hevér-Joly, Krisztina: Typology of Finno-Ugric pronouns
15.30–16.00 Havas, Ferenc: A Major undertaking in Uralic Linguistics: the
Uralic Typological Database Project
16.00–16.30 Rozhanskij, Fedor: Mari accentuation against the background of
Uralic languages
16.30–16.45 coffee break
16.45–17.15 Butylov, N. V.: Средства выражения категории определенности
/неопределенности в мордовском, русском и немецком языках
17.15–17.45 Filtchenko, Andrey: Marriage, bear-hunting and dangerous things:
demoted agent talk in Qaŋtəγ (Eastern Khanty) of western Siberia

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