S=?iso-8859-1?Q?=E1mi_?=studies conference in Inari, Sept. 25-27

Johanna Laakso johanna.laakso at univie.ac.at
Fri Jun 14 07:02:17 UTC 2013

> ----- Välitetty viesti lähettäjältä Veli-Pekka Lehtola <veli-pekka.lehtola at oulu.fi> -----
>      Päiväys: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 12:42:05 +0000
>    Lähettäjä: Veli-Pekka Lehtola <veli-pekka.lehtola at oulu.fi>
>      Otsikko: Web page and registration opened / ruoktosiiddut ja registreren
> Dear recipient,
> We have now opened our home pages and the registration for Oovtâst – Together. New concepts, theories and methodologies on Saami studies conference, to be held in Inari, Finland on September 25th–27th, 2013. In the address http://www.oulu.fi/giellagasinstitute/node/19026 you will find the latest program, too.
> The conference registration and payment is compulsory by 15 August 2013. The conference fee includes the academic program, information package, conference coffees during the breaks and free entrance to SIIDA -Sami Museum and Nature Centre exhibitions during the conference.  The conference lunches and dinners have separate price. Advance registration and payment for evening program is also required.
> As you see, the program is very interesting, consisting of nine keynote speakers, as well as daily workshop sessions with 80 papers. We hope this will be an inspiring meeting point for researchers, local people and other participants interested in Saami studies.
> Very warmly welcome
> On behalf of the organizers
> Veli-Pekka
> P.S. If you have questions concerning the registration or practical things, please contact Anne-Marie Kalla (anne-marie.kalla at sogsakk.fi<mailto:anne-marie.kalla at sogsakk.fi>, tlf +358 40 1345 901).
> If you have questions or comments concerning the program, please contact Veli-Pekka Lehtola (veli-pekka.lehtola at oulu.fi<mailto:veli-pekka.lehtola at oulu.fi>, tlf +358405780492).
> Bures ain,
> Mii leat dál rahpan min ruoktosiidduid ja registrerema Oovtâst – Together -konfereansa váras čujuhusas http://www.oulu.fi/giellagasinstitute/node/19026, gos don gávnnat maiddái maŋimus veršuvnna programmas.
> Registreren ja konfereansamávssu máksin lea bákkolaš maŋimustá borgemánu 15. beaivve 2013. Máksu sisttisdoallá prográmma, diehtobáhka, gáfestallamiid konfereanssa bottuid áigge ja nuvttá sisabeassama Sámemusea ja luondduguovddáš SIIDDA čájáhusaide konfereanssa áigge. Gaskabeai- ja eahkeborramušaid gálggat máksit ieš. Maiddái eahketprográmmaide registrerejuvvo ja daid galgá máksit ovddalgihtii.
> Nu go oainnát, prográmma lea hui miellagiddevaš. Das leat ovcci váldosáhkavuoru ja juohke beaivái máŋggat bargobájit main leat badjel 80 hálli. Mii sávvat ahte konfereansas šadda buorre deaivvadeapmi sihke dutkiide ja eara olbmuide geat háliidit gullat ja ságastallat sámeáššiid birra.
> Bures boahtin!
> Ordnejeaddjiid beales
> Veli-Pekka
> P.S. Jus dus leat jearaldagat registreremis dahje geavatlaš áššiin, válddatgo oktavuođa Anne-Marie Kallain (anne-marie.kalla at sogsakk.fi<mailto:anne-marie.kalla at sogsakk.fi>, +358 40 1345 901).
> Jus dus leat jearaldagat dahje kommeantat programmas, válddatgo oktavuođa Veli-Pekka Lehtolain (veli-pekka.lehtola at oulu.fi<mailto:veli-pekka.lehtola at oulu.fi>, tlf +358405780492).
> ----- Välitetty viesti päättyy -----

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