Fwd: conf.: International Morphology Meeting 16

Johanna Laakso johanna.laakso at univie.ac.at
Tue Mar 12 12:47:05 UTC 2013

Apologies for cross-postings!

Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

> Von: "Nyelvesz Info" <nyinfo at nytud.hu>
> Datum: 08. März 2013 19:37:06 MEZ
> An: nyelvesz at nytud.hu
> Betreff: conf.: International Morphology Meeting 16
> First Call for Papers
> 16th International Morphology Meeting 
> May 29 – June 1, 2014
> Budapest, Hungary
> International Morphology Meetings are organized jointly by the Research
> Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and the
> Austrian Academy of Sciences.
> The 16th International Morphology Meeting will be held in Budapest,
> Hungary, from May 29 to June 1, 2014.
> We invite papers on subjects including but not limited to the main
> topics of the conference:
> (a) morphological case – paradigms and case systems
> (b) multifunctional affixes (grammatical polysemy, homonymy,
> polyfunctionality)
> Invited speakers
> Jóhanna Barðdal (Bergen)
> Martin Maiden (Oxford)
> Ingo Plag (Düsseldorf)
> Gregory Stump  (Kentucky)
> Contact person
> Mária Sipos
> e-mail: imm16 at nytud.mta.hu
> Workshops proposals are welcome by 30 September.
> Abstracts
> 2-page abstracts for a 20 minutes presentation (plus 10 minutes
> discussion) or a poster session should be submitted via the meeting's
> online services:
> https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=imm16
> One person may only submit one independent and one co-authored abstract.
> For more information on submissions see:
> http://www.nytud.hu/imm16/abstracts.html 
> Deadline for submission of abstracts: 31 October 2013.
> Notification of acceptance: 31 January 2014
> Organizing committee
> Ferenc Kiefer (kiefer.ferenc at nytud.mta.hu)
> Huba Bartos (bartos.huba at nytud.mta.hu) 
> Mária Ladányi (ladanyi.maria at btk.elte.hu)  
> Péter Rebrus (rebrus.peter at nytud.mta.hu) 

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johanna Laakso

Universität Wien, Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (EVSL), Abteilung Finno-Ugristik
Campus AAKH Spitalgasse 2-4 Hof 7
A-1090 Wien
johanna.laakso at univie.ac.athttp://homepage.univie.ac.at/Johanna.Laakso/
ELDIA: http://www.eldia-project.org/ 

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