Program of "The Making of the Humanities IV" (16-18 October 2014) is online

Angela Marcantonio angela.marcantonio at
Thu Sep 18 10:31:31 UTC 2014

Dear Johanna,

Many thanks for your prompt reply; yes, you did understand my message
correctly, and I am glad to be back in the 'Ura-list'.


Angela Marcantonio

Angela Marcantonio
Dipartimento di Scienze documentarie, linguistico-filologiche e geografiche
Università degli studi di Roma "Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro,5 00185 ROMA

On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 11:13 AM, Johanna Laakso <
johanna.laakso at> wrote:

> Dear All,
> I understood that Angela Marcantonio asked me to forward the information
> about her conference panel to URA-LIST. For more information see below.
> As to her question concerning her mails: she has been on the list all the
> time but with another e-mail address which obviously isn't operational any
> more. I have now added the sender address of this e-mail to the list. All
> list members please note: you can change your e-mail address simply by
> unsubscribing from your old address and subscribing from the new one, that
> is, sending majordomo at a message with the text (in the message
> body, of course using your own e-mail address):
> subscribe [or: unsubscribe] ura-list my.own at e-mail.address
> If this doesn't work, please feel free to contact me.
> Best
> Johanna Laakso
> Välitetty viesti alkaa:
> *Lähettäjä: *Angela Marcantonio <angela.marcantonio at>
> *Aihe: **Fwd: Program of "The Making of the Humanities IV" (16-18 October
> 2014) is online*
> *Päivämäärä: *18. syyskuuta 2014 11.42.44 UTC+2
> *Vastaanottaja: *Johanna Laakso <johanna.laakso at>
>>> Dear Johanna,
> How are you?
> I am writing to inform you, and the subscribers to 'Uralist', of the
> following conference to be held in Rome next October, conference within
> which I have organized a panel ('historical linguistics across history and
> politics), that deals also with Finno-Ugric/Hungarian issues (you might
> remember that I had also invited you to take part, but you declined). Our
> panel is n. 19, and, as you will see, the speakers include also Prof.
> Janhunen.
> I take this opportunity to let you know that I have not received any
> Uralist e-mail for long time now, and I would like to kindly ask you what
> is the cause of this.
> Many thanks,
> Best,
> Angela
>>> The conference program of "The Making of the Humanities IV" (16-18
>>> October 2014) is online:
>>> *Conference features*: 3 keynote speakers, ~70 papers and panels on the
>>> history of the humanities in Europe, Asia and the Americas.
>>> *Special event*: launch of the journal *History of Humanities* by
>>> University of Chicago Press.
>>> *Deadline for early registration*: September 20, 2014.
> --
> Univ.Prof. Dr. Johanna Laakso
> Universität Wien, Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und
> Literaturwissenschaft (EVSL)
> Abteilung Finno-Ugristik
> Campus AAKH Spitalgasse 2-4 Hof 7
> A-1090 Wien
> johanna.laakso at
> Project ELDIA:
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