[Ura-list] deadline extension: Second International Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Uralic Languages

Eszter Simon simon.eszter at nytud.mta.hu
Mon Nov 2 16:41:13 UTC 2015

***** Apologies for cross-posting *****

Call for papers

The purpose of the Second International Workshop on Computational
Linguistics for Uralic Languages is to bring together researchers working
on computational approaches to working with these languages. We accept
papers and tutorial proposals working on the following languages: Finnish,
Hungarian, Estonian, Voru, Setu, the Sámi languages, Komi (Zyrian,
Permyak), Mordvin (Erzya, Moksha), Mari (Hill, Meadow), Udmurt, Nenets
(Tundra, Forest), Enets (Tundra, Forest), Nganasan, Selkup, Mansi, Khanty,
Veps, Karelian, Ingrian (Izhorian), Votic, Livonian, Ludic, Kven and other
related languages.

All Uralic languages exhibit rich morphological structure, which makes
processing them challenging for state-of-the-art computational linguistic
approaches, the majority also suffer from a lack of resources and many are

Research papers should be original, substantial and unpublished research,
that can describe work-in-progress systems, frameworks, standards and
evaluation schemes. Demos and tutorials will present systems and standards
towards the goal of interoperability and unification of different projects,
applications and research groups. Appropriate topics include (but are not
limited to):

Parsers, analysers and processing pipelines of Uralic languages
Lexical databases, electronic dictionaries
Finished end-user applications aimed at Uralic languages, such as spelling
or grammar checkers, machine translation or speech processing
Evaluation methods and gold standards, tagged corpora, treebanks
Reports on language-independent or unsupervised methods as applied to
Uralic languages
Surveys and review articles on subjects related to computational
linguistics for one or more Uralic languages
Any work that aims at combining efforts and reducing duplication of work
How to elicit activity from the language community, agitation campaigns,
games with a purpose

To maximise the possibility of reproducibility, replication and reuse, we
particularly encourage submissions which present free/open-source language
resources and make use of free/open-source software.

One of the aims of this gathering is to avoid unnecessary duplicated work
in field of Uralistics by establishing connections and interoperability
standards between researchers and research groups working at different
sites. We have also identified a serious lack of gold standards and
evaluation metrics for all Uralic languages including those with national
support, any work towards better resources in these fields will be greatly

The invited talk will be given by András Kornai.

Important Dates

1st July 2015: Call-for-papers announced
15th November 2015: Paper submission deadline
10th December 2015: Paper notification
31st December 2015: Camera-ready deadline

20th January 2016: Workshop held in Szeged, Hungary

Submission of papers

Language of submission: Submissions should be made in English or Russian
with an optional abstract in Finnish.

Submission format: There are multiple submission types: research papers and
demonstrations and tutorials. Research papers should be up to 10 pages in
length excluding references, the descriptions for demonstrations and
tutorials up to 5 pages. Submissions should be formatted using LaTeX
default article style with b5paper option. Citations should be managed with
bibtex and e.g., unsrt bibliography style. Linguistic glosses should follow
Leipzig glossing rules and use expex LaTeX package (make sure to update
expex regularly as it is developed actively). Preferred LaTeX version is
XeLaTeX and therefore you should use UTF-8 encoded Unicode in your sources
rather than TeX encoded characters where possible. You will find the
workshop template here
<http://rgai.inf.u-szeged.hu/project/iwclul/siwclul.tar.gz> (LaTeX) and here
<http://rgai.inf.u-szeged.hu/project/iwclul/template_SIWCLUL.odt> (odt) .

Publication venue: Proceedings of the workshop will be published
open-access in the repository of the University of Szeged. Authors of
outstanding papers will be invited by the editorial board of the Acta
Linguistica Hungarica to submit their work to be published, subject to
further extension and review, in a special issue of the journal.

Conflicts of interest: The reviewing process will not be anonymous, authors
should state in their submission all conflicts of interest with programme
committee. The members of programme committee are expected to state their
conflicts of interest during review bidding. If the programme committee
finds themselves unable to review some of the submissions, external
reviewers may be used.

Double submission: To maximise the impact of work in the field of
computational linguistics for the Uralic languages we are open to the
possibility of double submission, or submission of work which has been
partially published elsewhere. Any double submission should however be
reported to the programme committee at the time of submission. In the
advent of double acceptance the authors should choose in which venue to

Submission website: Submissions can be made here using the EasyChair
conference management system.


Tommi A. Pirinen, Dublin City University
Francis M. Tyers, UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta
Eszter Simon, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for
Veronika Vincze, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Group on
Artificial Intelligence
Ágoston Nagy, University of Szeged
Csilla Horváth, University of Szeged

Programme committee

Timofey Aleksandrovich Arkhangelsky, Natsional'ny Issledovadel'sky
Universitet "Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki"
Lars Borin, Göteborgs universitet
János Csirik, Szegedi Tudományegyetem
Mark Fishel, Tartu ülikool
Mikel L. Forcada, Universitat d'Alacant
Mans Hulden, University of Colorado at Boulder
Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Tartu ülikool
Tommi A. Pirinen, Dublin City University
Aarne Ranta, Chalmers tekniska högskola
Michael Rießler, University of Freiburg
Eszter Simon, MTA Nyelvtudományi Intézet
Trond Trosterud, UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta
Francis M. Tyers, UiT Norgga árktalaš universitehta
Veronika Vincze, Szegedi Tudományegyetem


Any questions should be directed to the organising committee on
iwclul-2016 at googlegroups.com.
For further details see the website <http://rgai.inf.u-szeged.hu/iwclul2016>
of the event.

Research Fellow
Research Institute for Linguistics
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1068 Budapest, Benczúr u. 33.
Tel./Fax.       +36 1   321 4830/ 129
simon.eszter at nytud.mta.hu
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