[Ura-list] Conference “Indigenous Languages of Russia in Contact with Russian” (Moscow / online, 19-20.09.2025)

Egor Kashkin egorka1988 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 22 12:15:58 UTC 2025

Dear colleagues,

The fourth conference “Indigenous Languages of Russia in Contact with
Russian” will be held in a hybrid format at the Vinogradov Russian
Language Institute (RAS), Moscow, on 19–20 September 2025.

We invite abstract submissions addressing the following topics:

– Borrowing of grammatical and lexical patterns from Russian into
indigenous languages of Russia or of other areas.
– Borrowing of grammatical and lexical patterns  between indigenous
languages of Russia.
– Contact-induced features in the varieties of Russian influenced by
languages of Russia or of other areas.
– Russian-based pidgins.
– Code-switching and code-mixing involving Russian.

The conference aims to bring together researchers working on
indigenous languages of Russia, typologists, experts in the Russian
language, and sociolinguists. Papers based on new field data and
corpus-based studies are particularly encouraged.

Topics which will not be discussed at the conference: sociological
aspects of language contact without any linguistic issues; practical
issues related to revitalization of minority languages, teaching
Russian as L2 etc.; dialectal and regional features of Russian for
which there is no reasonable evidence for contact-induced origin;
problems of etymology.

The conference programme will include two plenary presentations and
oral presentations by other conference participants (20 minutes + 10
minutes for discussion).

Language of presentation: English or Russian.

Invited speakers:
– Nikolai B. Vakhtin (European University at St. Petersburg)
– Gleb P. Pilipenko (Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian
Academy of Sciences).

The deadline for abstract submission is 5 May 2025. Anonymous
abstracts should be sent to the e-mail address
ruslangcontact at gmail.com.

The following information should be included in the body of the e-mail:
– title of the abstract,
– the authors' first and last names, and affiliations,
– e-mail address(es) and phone number(s).

Requirements for abstracts:

– Max. 2 A4 pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt, single-spaced) including
references and any additional material.
– Language: English or Russian.

Notification of acceptance will be sent no later than 16 June 2025.

The conference will be held in a hybrid format (in-person at the
Vinogradov Russian Language Institute + Zoom). Speakers living in
Moscow are invited to attend in-person. If this is not possible,
please contact us.

Unfortunately, the organizers are unable to cover the costs of
transport or accommodation. Organizing fee for participating
in-person: 1000 rubles (ca. 9 euros); for students – 500 rubles (ca.
4.5 euros). There is no organizing fee for online participation.

Important dates:
5 May 2025: submission deadline
16 June 2025: notification of acceptance
19–20 September 2025: conference

The conference is organized by the working group “Russian in Contact
with Indigenous Languages of Russia” (Vinogradov Russian Language
Institute (RAS), Department of Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic
Poetics), together with colleagues from other organizations.

Organizing committee:
Egor Kashkin (chair, RLI RAS)
Olga Kazakevich (IL RAS)
Irina Khomchenkova (MSU / RLI RAS)
Anastasiia Kriukova (RLI RAS / MSU)
Alexander Letuchiy (HSE / RLI RAS)
Vladimir Plungian (RLI RAS / IL RAS / MSU)
Julia Sinitsyna (MSU)
Maria Emilia Winkler (IL RAS)

Information about the conference will be updated on the website

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