[Ura-list] CIFU 14 – 3rd Circular
Esa-Jussi Salminen
ejsalminen at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 20:58:29 UTC 2025
Dear colleagues!
I agree, that 250-300 euros is quite a lot of money for everybody nowadays.
It is a big investment. But I do not see any economical differences between
EU and Russia any more, thanks to the Russian dictator...
In old good times of course, it was very good that we had lower prices for
citizens of Russia, but not any more, thanks to the devil in Kreml. For
example we In Finland have to pay extremely high prices for food,
electricity, for everything, because ot the crazy man in Kreml... And our
Nazi government in Finland ( with perussuomalaiset and Kokoomus in it)
makes its best to make everything worse for normal people. For example I
was a short time without properly paid job in Finland ( after I was kicked
off from Russia as early as 2019...) and last year I could not pay my
electricity and was 4 months without it at all, because our government
prohibited the social workers from making any individual considerations in
any case.
I think the main aim of FU-congress is to get the people interested in
Finno-Ugric studies together. On-line participation is not interesting at
all. We can every day speak with each other on the internet with anybody,
but meeting is the thing. I am waiting for participants from Russia very
much. Everyone participating is demonstrating his / her opinion against the
dictator of Russia and his wish to destroy all the FInno-Ugric languages
and cultures. He has already destroyed the World congresses of Finno_Ugric
Peoples and the Congresses of Finno-Ugric Writers'. That is enough and I am
fed up.
Esa-Jussi Salminen
pe 28.2.2025 klo 18.42 Egor Kashkin (egorka1988 at gmail.com) kirjoitti:
> Dear colleagues,
> I'm sorry if my letter hurts anyone's feelings, but I don't think this
> is the case when one should keep quiet. I think that the only way for
> anyone with common sense is to boycott a congress with such a pricing
> policy, at least if online participation was planned. What we have
> read in the 3rd Circular is by no means the way to contribute to
> academic cooperation in Uralic studies (which is I think should be the
> basic goal of the CIFU). As for me, my abstract was accepted, but I
> refuse to give a talk under these conditions.
> I admit that 250-300 euros for on-site participation might be a
> reasonable fee, as it includes several activities beyond the main
> programme. But this is absurd for online participation. What should we
> pay 250 euros for? For pressing a few buttons in a conference room and
> for drinking tea at home? Just for comparison, I attended the ALT
> conference online in December. This is the world's leading typological
> conference, and it was held in Singapore, one of the richest countries
> in the world. But the registration fee I had to pay was about 3 times
> less.
> Or, given the economic differences between the EU and Russia, is this
> just a hidden way of cancelling participants from Russia, for whom
> such a fee is really expensive? OK, the University of Tartu has its
> right to cancel Russia in the studies of the Uralic languages, most of
> which are however spoken in Russia. But wouldn't then it be honest to
> state this explicitly?
> Egor Kashkin
> пт, 28 февр. 2025 г. в 18:52, Gerson Stefan Klumpp <gerson.klumpp at ut.ee>:
> >
> > Dear Uralists,
> >
> > the 3rd Circular, which includes information on registration and payment
> options for CIFU 14 in Tartu in August 2025, is online now:
> https://cifu14.ut.ee/3rd-circular/. Apologies for cross-postings.
> >
> > Regards from Tartu,
> > Gerson Klumpp
> >
> >
> >
> > Gerson Klumpp
> >
> > Soome-ugri keelte professor/Professor of Finno-Ugric Studies
> >
> > Eesti ja üldkeeleteaduse instituut/Institute of Estonian and General
> Linguistics
> >
> > Tartu Ülikool/University of Tartu
> >
> > Jakobi 2-415
> >
> > EE-51005 Tartu
> --
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