Delhi Hindi(s)

Gail Coelho gail at UTXVMS.CC.UTEXAS.EDU
Fri Jul 16 12:50:47 UTC 1999

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At 03:26 PM 7/16/99 +1200, you wrote:
>other suitable term. My informant group consisted of 22 people half of whom
>came from families which did not speak Hindi as their 'native' tongue
>previously. That is, they were either the first or the second generation to
>use Hindi as their first language, and did not speak their
>parents/grandparents mother/native tongue or first language. I would not
>like to classify them as people who have "lost their mother tongue". The

Hi Kalika,

I wonder why you wouldn't want to treat them as people who've lost their
mother tongue -- is it because they still have some knowledge of it? They
do sound to me like cases of language shift and therefore at least partial
language loss.

Gail Coelho

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