My apologies to everyone

John Peterson jpeterso at UNI-OSNABRUECK.DE
Tue Jan 29 12:57:49 UTC 2002

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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What a great way to start the day...

I apologize sincerely to everyone out there. It IS a real virus, as
Maggie noted, and I had no idea that it was when I opened the mail
from my colleague here (who also had no idea he was sending a virus).

Do NOT open the attachment from ANYONE claiming to be sending you
pictures, they are not sending you anything, the virus is. This is not
a hoax but a real virus. Contact your systems people right away if you
receive it. My version of Sophos Anti-Virus (3 months old) was not
able to detect it, so it is a very new virus.

I am very sorry for this, which I had absolutely no control over.


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