Reference Help

vijay thakur vthakur at UIUC.EDU
Sun Jun 9 07:33:58 UTC 2002

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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Dear List Members:
I'm Working on the Socipolitical and Linguistic aspects of Indian Writing
System(s). The work is intended to provide an exhaustive description and
analysis of both structural and functional dimensions of Indian Scripts.
Though there has been some work on the Mother/father (!) Script 'Brahmi'
and quite a substantial work on '(dev)nagri', I'm having trouble finding
good resources on other scripts. I would appreciate your assistance in
providing me any reference material  and work you might be aware of,
especially with reference to the following scripts (though not limited

Gurumukhi, Rong, Sharda, Kaithi/Mithilakshar/Tirhutia, Lhanda, Lepcha,
Manipuri/meithei, Rong, MuDiya, Ol-Chiki, Waarang-Kshiti,Siddhimatrika,
Nandinagari, Konkani, Vatalattu, Telugu-KannaDa, Grantha and Tamil,
Bengali-Assamese, Oriya

Thanks in advance anticipating your help.

Vijay Thakur

4088 FLB, 707 S Mathews URBANA IL 61801 PH  217-3558793 (H), 2441308 (O)
"You might as well stand and fight because if you run you will only die
tired"        >>> Vern Jocque  <<<

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