consultancy regarding Urdu

Hardie, Andrew a.hardie at LANCASTER.AC.UK
Fri Jan 17 14:31:19 UTC 2003

To all Vyakaran list members:
The Department of Linguistics at Lancaster University, UK is looking for a
native speaker of Urdu to work on a short paid consultancy. The task is manual
part-of-speech tagging of a subsection of an Urdu corpus and will not require
any travel.

As well as an intimate knowledge of Urdu, the analyst will need to have a
background in Linguistics or similar subject (probably to degree level or
more), with - in particular - a good knowledge of grammar, especially parts of
speech. A good working knowledge of English is also necessary. Prior
acquaintance with part-of-speech tagging is not required but would be a bonus.

I would be grateful if you could pass this information on to any Urdu speakers
(e.g. postgraduate students, researchers) in your institutions / departments
who might be interested in this consultancy. Anyone who is interested can
contact me at the email address below.


Andrew Hardie

Department of Linguistics
Bowland College
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YT
United Kingdom

(+44) (0)1524 593521
a.hardie at <mailto:a.hardie at>
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