Tone languages and song (revisited)

Jim Wilce jim.wilce at NAU.EDU
Fri May 28 19:11:30 UTC 2004

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
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          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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Hi Joan,

I had a quick skim of your article. I'm so glad you wrote it! I've sent 
it off to my linguist friend who works on languages in China to ask 
what she knows about tone and singing. That's Arienne Dwyer at Kansas U.

Very best,


On Friday, May 28, 2004, at 04:25 AM, Joan Baart wrote:

> Dear colleagues,
> A couple of months ago I posted a question to the list about the 
> relationship of linguistic tone and song. I have now submitted a paper 
> on the subject of tone and song in Kalam Kohistani. If you are 
> interested, you can download a prefinal draft from: 
> Thanks to those who gave feedback. And if you have comments on the 
> paper, I think there is time still to make corrections before it goes 
> to press.
> Joan
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Jim Wilce, Professor of Anthropology
Northern Arizona University
PO Box 15200
Flagstaff AZ 86011-5200
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email: jim.wilce at
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For information on Jim's edited volume, Social and Cultural Lives of 
Immune Systems, click on

Eloquence in Trouble (Oxford University Press, New York) is now 
available in paperback (ISBN is 0-19-510688-1) at .
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