looking for Southworth's Linguistic Archeology

Allen W Thrasher athr at LOC.GOV
Fri Jul 22 13:22:20 UTC 2005

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Amazon.com claims to have one copy available at $150 (sic).

The Library of Congress has a 2004 Cataloging in Publication record for Linguistic Archaeology (note spelling) of South Asia, but  no indication that LOC has received its mandatory deposit copies.  Also, the site of the Taylor and Francis Group <www.tandf.co.uk>, which owns the publishers Routhledge-Curzon, does not show it, nor does Routledge-Curzon's own site, <http://www.routledgecurzon.com/>. All very curious.  Why not try Amazon.com?

Allen Thrasher

does any one know if southworth's "linguistic archeology," sometimes cited as n.d.ms,was actually published somewhere and if not how to get hold of a copy of it.
rajendra singh
universite de montreal,montreal

Allen W. Thrasher, Ph.D., Senior Reference Librarian
South Asia Team, Asian Division
Library of Congress, Jefferson Building 150
101 Independence Ave., S.E.
Washington, DC 20540-4810
tel. 202-707-3732; fax 202-707-1724; athr at loc.gov
The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Library of Congress.

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