looking for Southworth's Linguistic Archeology
Michael Witzel
Fri Jul 22 23:15:30 UTC 2005
VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors: Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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Allen, the book has been released. I have seen it (and its author) at
our Kyoto Round Table in early June.
I suggest to ask the publisher directly, or F. Southworth (who may be
too busy now to answer right away): fsouth at sas.upenn.edu
Cheers, M. W.
On Jul 22, 2005, at 10:22 PM, Allen W Thrasher wrote:
> Amazon.com claims to have one copy available at $150 (sic).
> The Library of Congress has a 2004 Cataloging in Publication record
> for Linguistic Archaeology (note spelling) of South Asia, but no
> indication that LOC has received its mandatory deposit copies. Also,
> the site of the Taylor and Francis Group <www.tandf.co.uk>, which owns
> the publishers Routhledge-Curzon, does not show it, nor does
> Routledge-Curzon's own site, <http://www.routledgecurzon.com/>. All
> very curious. Why not try Amazon.com?
> Allen Thrasher
> does any one know if southworth's "linguistic archeology," sometimes
> cited as n.d.ms,was actually published somewhere and if not how to get
> hold of a copy of it.
> rajendra singh
> universite de montreal,montreal
Michael Witzel
Department of Sanskrit and Indian Studies, Harvard University
1 Bow Street , 3rd floor, Cambridge MA 02138
1-617-495 3295 Fax: 496 8571
direct line: 496 2990
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