Technical report on Santali Grammar

R. C. Hansdah hansdah at CSA.IISC.ERNET.IN
Wed Mar 9 05:16:17 UTC 2005

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
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          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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Dear All,

        This is to inform you that a technical report titled "A Framework
for Learning and Understnding Santali in Ol Chiki Script" is available for
download at . The report is basically
incomplete, but the sections on analysis of verb structures and synthesis
of affirmative simple sentences is more or less complete. This information
is being given with the hope that it will be useful to some of you. Also,
some of you may be able to give useful comments which would help us in
preparing the final version.

Though we are not linguists, it has always been our intention to document
our mother tongue the way we have spoken right from our childhood. The
report is an effort on our part to fulfill this dream.

With warm regards,

-R. C. Hansdah
Prof. R. C. Hansdah
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Automation
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560012

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