SALRC 2006-2007 Pedagogical Resources Grant Competition

Harold F. Schiffman haroldfs at CCAT.SAS.UPENN.EDU
Mon Feb 6 16:51:44 UTC 2006

VYAKARAN: South Asian Languages and Linguistics Net
Editors:  Tej K. Bhatia, Syracuse University, New York
          John Peterson, University of Osnabrueck, Germany
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With apologies for cross-posting:

SALRC 2006-2007 Pedagogical Resources Grant Competition

SALRC invites proposals for its 2006-7 pedagogical resources creation
competition.  The South Asia Language Resource Center seeks to support
projects to develop a broad variety of curricular materials for South
Asian languages at all levels of university instruction.  SALRC grants are
intended to meet national (and often international) needs for the teaching
and learning of South Asian languages.

At any time before the absolute deadline of April 1, 2006, you may submit
a Letter of Intent of not more than 1,000 words.  For more details and all
appropriate application forms, please see our website at:

2006-2007 resource grants are dependent upon a renewal of SALRCs Title VI
funding by the U.S. Department of Education.

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