World Wide Words -- 23 Jul 11

Michael Quinion wordseditor at WORLDWIDEWORDS.ORG
Wed Jul 20 14:36:57 UTC 2011

WORLD WIDE WORDS           ISSUE 746          Saturday 23 July 2011
Author/editor: Michael Quinion      US advisory editor: Julane Marx
Website:               ISSN 1470-1448
      A formatted version of this e-magazine is available 
      online at

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1. Feedback, notes and comments.
2. Weird Words: Borametz.
3. Wordface.
4. Q and A: Seven-year itch.
5. Sic!
A. Subscription information.
B. E-mail contact addresses.
C. Ways to support World Wide Words.

1. Feedback, notes and comments
METEORIC RISE  Readers pointed out that I might have added that a 
meteor trail starting low in the sky seems to rise as it travels 
towards the zenith. I might also have mentioned, though it isn't 
strictly relevant to the question, that "meteor" derives from a 
Greek word meaning raised or lofty and that its first sense in 
English was of any atmospheric phenomenon, hence "meteorology". 
Meteors were divided into several classes: an aerial meteor might 
be a cloud; watery meteors were rain, snow, hail and the like; a 
1576 translation of a work by Erasmus mentioned "hoar frosts and 
such like cold meteors". A fiery meteor might be a shooting star 
but could equally be lightning. But from quite early on, "meteor" 
by itself could refer specifically to the bright streak caused by 
an extra-terrestrial object heated to incandescence in the upper 

SIC TRANSIT GLORIA FRIDAY  One Sic! item last time reproduced a 
claim that this month, which has five Fridays, five Saturdays and 
five Sundays, hasn't happened for 823 years. Lots of readers wrote 
in to tell me this was nonsense, which they somehow concluded I 
didn't already know. It happens, of course, in any month of 31 days 
that begins on a Friday: the next will be March 2013; the previous 
July of this kind was in 2005 and the next will be in 2016. My 
reason for adding the item wasn't so much the calendrically 
ignorant assertion (one that has been circulating for some months 
as a chain letter online) but that, having said it was the first 
such month for 823 years, it flatly contradicted itself by saying, 
correctly, that it also happened last October.

2. Weird Words: Borametz
This word appears in no standard dictionary, I suspect because it 
belongs in works about fables rather than lexicons. "Borametz" is 
another name for the vegetable lamb of Tartary.

Therein lies a tale. Long ago and far away, in a mysterious place 
called Scythia that lay on the northern shores of the Black Sea in 
the territory of the Tartars, there was said to grow a tree of 
miraculous form. It was first described in a French book of about 
1357 which purported to be the recollections of an English knight, 
Sir John Mandeville. It was really a compilation of travel stories 
from classical and medieval times put together by a Benedictine 
monk who probably never travelled further than his monastery's 
library. (So many works continue to claim that he was a real person 
that the Dictionary of National Biography has included an entry to 
make clear that he's fictional. He joins a select company of myth 
figures in the DNB that includes Britannia, Merlin, Robin Hood, 
John Bull, Ned Ludd, Piltdown Man and the Unknown Warrior.) His 
travel work became popular and was translated into at least ten 
languages. This is the description of the plant from a much later 
English translation:

    There groweth a sort of Fruit as it were Gourds, and 
    when it is ripe, Men cut it asunder, and they find 
    therein a Beast as it were of flesh, bone and blood, as 
    it were a little Lamb without Wool, and Men eat the Beast 
    and Fruit also, and sure it seemeth very strange.
    [The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandevile, 
    Knight; Wherein is set down the Way to the Holy Land, and 
    to Hierusalem: as also to the Lands of the Great Caan, 
    and of Prestor John; to India, and divers other 
    Countries: Together with many and strange Marvels 
    therein, London, 1727.]

The story was later embroidered to suggest that the beast was a 
real lamb, which was linked to the plant by an umbilical stem so 
that it could browse on nearby vegetation. When all was consumed, 
the lamb died. The story is often supported by the assertion that 
"borametz" was a Tartar word meaning "lamb", difficult to check 
because Tartary was a vast and poorly-defined region of central 
Asia with many languages. 

Travellers' tales were often so much embroidered that only a wide-
eyed innocent could believe them. But a kernel of truth frequently 
lay buried within them. In this case, the source was works by the 
classical authors Herodotus ("Certain trees bear for their fruit 
fleeces surpassing those of sheep in beauty and excellence") and 
Pliny ("These trees bear gourds the size of a quince which burst 
when ripe and display balls of wool out of which the inhabitants 
make cloths like valuable linen"). The borametz was almost 
certainly cotton, native to India.

3. Wordface
OWLS OF DERISION  Last month, I mentioned the mad activity called 
PLANKING, in which individuals lie stiffly horizontal on top of 
some object, the odder the better. On 16 July The Times of India 
reported on a follow-up craze: "OWLING, believed to have started in 
Australia, consists of nothing more taxing than crouching on one's 
haunches and staring into the middle distance like the nocturnal 
birds." As with planking, a photograph to prove you've done it is 
mandatory. Several of them were reproduced in an article in the 
London Metro free newspaper on 15 July. Howard Sinberg sent me the 
link, mainly because of the caption to one picture: "Owling - the 
ancient art of perching on something then putting the pictures on 
the internet." There is indeed a moderately ancient art called 
OWLING but it refers to smuggling sheep or wool from Britain to 
France. In 1674 an Act of Charles II made it illegal to transport 
wool at night and it seems that's where the term comes from, since 
it was first recorded in 1690.

SNIFFING PLACE  There are many odd names for parts of the human 
anatomy but one that I came across recently tops my personal list: 
the ANATOMICAL SNUFF BOX. It's a small depression on the inside of 
the wrist immediately behind the thumb joint, formally called the 
radial fossa. It got its common name because it was a convenient 
place to put a pinch of snuff before snorting it up one's nose.

4. Q and A: Seven-year itch
Q. In the final chapter of Walden, almost at the final paragraph, 
Thoreau refers to mankind as human insects and uses the phrase "the 
seven year itch". My wife and I were trying to locate the original 
use as the author was not in any way referring to relationships or 
sexual boredom. Perhaps you can shed some light. [Loren Crispell]

A. Well spotted. This example of the phrase is one of the earliest 
known. But the sense of Henry Thoreau's text isn't what you might 
call limpidly clear to most people today:

    There is not one of my readers who has yet lived a 
    whole human life. These may be but the spring months in 
    the life of the race. If we have had the seven-years' 
    itch, we have not seen the seventeen-year locust yet in 
    [Walden, or Life in the Woods, by Henry Thoreau, 

The seven-year itch that he had in mind was an infection by a mite 
which lays its eggs in burrows under the skin. Its medical name is 
scabies, whose name comes appropriately from Latin "scabere", to 
scratch. It was once extremely common in all kinds of situations 
and historical American sources are full of names for it, among 
them Indiana itch, Illinois itch, Jackson itch, Cuban itch, prairie 
itch, camp itch, army itch, ship itch, jail itch, mattress itch, 
swamp itch, winter itch, barley itch and grain itch. It was very 
hard to treat before effective insecticides came along.

Many remedies were advertised that claimed to cure the condition. 
The earliest example on record is this, which is also the first 
appearance of "seven-year itch" in print:

    To the Afflicted. Dr. Mason's Indian Vegetable 
    Panacea, which may be taken with perfect safety, by all 
    ages, for the cure of the following diseases:-- 
    Dyspepsia, Scrofula, afflictions of the Chest and Lungs, 
    Cods, Coughs, Liver complaints, Mercurial disease, 
    Ulcers, Sores ... also, that corruption so commonly known 
    to the western country as the scab or seven year Itch, 
    [An advertisement by Dr John Mason in the Ohio 
    Statesman (Columbus, Ohio), 26 Mar. 1839. Thanks to 
    Stephen Goranson for finding this.]

Because it was so hard to get rid of, a story grew up in North 
America that those who got the itch were stuck with it for the next 
seven years. The phrase was sometimes later reinterpreted to mean 
that it would recur after seven years, or would reappear every year 
for seven years. More recently, "seven-year itch" has occasionally  
been used for the itch caused by poison ivy and for a while became 
a figurative term for something or someone that was persistently 
irritating or a continual nuisance.

Your sense, which one work on idioms calls "a real or imagined 
longing for other women in a man's seventh year of marriage", 
appeared a century after Walden. There's no known example before 
George Axelrod borrowed it for the title of his stage comedy of 
1952. It was popularised worldwide by the 1955 Billy Wilder film 
version starring Marilyn Monroe.

In 1992, William Safire recorded a conversation he had had with Mr 
Axelrod about why he chose the title. The latter was sure that it 
had never been used in a "marital wanderlust connotation" before he 
borrowed it:

    How did he come across this Americanism? "I was 
    writing jokes for a hillbilly comedian called Rod 
    Brassfield," recalls Mr. Axelrod, "who starred with 
    Minnie Pearl on the 'Grand Ole Opry' radio show. ... One 
    of his favorite lines was: 'I know she's over 21 because 
    she's had the seven-year itch four times!' That hideous 
    line," says Mr. Axelrod, now 69, "was running through my 
    head when I was desperately seeking a title for the play 
    I had just finished ... In the first draft, the guy had 
    been married 10 years (as had I) but the title, when it 
    came, had a natural ring to it and I changed the number 
    of years the hero had been married accordingly."
    [On Language in the New York Times, 29 Mar. 1992.]

Modern medicine cures scabies quickly. Together with Axelrod's 
inspired play title and the success of the film, "seven-year itch" 
now refers almost exclusively to a married man's wandering eye, 
even in the US where the term originated.

6. Sic!
William Duncan read this on, the website of the magazine 
Sports Illustrated: "After losing to Japan in the 2011 World Cup 
final, takes a look at the last twelve years of the U.S. 
Women's National Team." He confesses that he didn't know 
even had a women's soccer team.

Sometimes a missing letter is enough to generate an incongruous 
image. Stan Firth came across this on the Mail Online site on 17 
July: "The woman known as 'America's most hated mother' was jeered 
and taunted with shouts of 'killer' by a huge crow as she walked 
out in a pink tshirt and jeans." Is this what's meant by getting 
the bird?

Peter Kay wrote: "In a seafront souvenir shop in St Ives, Cornwall, 
this month I found a basket of plastic chains with the handwritten 
notice NECKLESS'S. Apart from struggling to identify just how many 
mistakes there are in the word, I wondered where on the body you 
would wear them."

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B. E-mail contact addresses
* Comments on e-magazine mailings are always welcome. They should 
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* Items for "Sic!" should go to wordsclangers at .
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