World Wide Words -- 05 Apr 14

Michael Quinion michael.quinion at WORLDWIDEWORDS.ORG
Thu Apr 3 22:02:00 UTC 2014

WORLD WIDE WORDS            ISSUE 876          Saturday 5 April 2014
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1. Feedback, Notes and Comments.
2. Decussate.
3. Wordface.
4. On the lam.
5. Sic!
6. Useful information.

1. Feedback, Notes and Comments
PARALLELQUEL  Several readers noted earlier works that could have 
been given this name if it had existed at the time. Roland Huebsch 
suggested Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria Quartet: "The first three 
books are parallelquels, telling of the same incidents from totally 
different perspectives, and the last is a sequel to tie all the 
various versions up." An excellent example, as Jon Blanding pointed 
out, would be Tom Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, 
featuring two minor characters from Shakespeare's Hamlet. Francis 
Abercrombie suggested "Peter Matthiessen's utterly sublime trilogy 
of the Watson murder: Killing Mister Watson, Lost Man's River and 
Bone by Bone, three accounts of one event, each from a different 
viewpoint and able to stand on its own." "A very good example from 
2006, Cliff Larsen wrote, "although 'parallelquel' wasn't used to 
describe it, is the pair of films about the Second World War Battle 
for Iwo Jima as told from the USA side in Flags of Our Fathers and 
the Japanese side in Letters from Iwo Jima both directed by Clint 

BOX OF BIRDS  Local knowledge is invaluable. Rodney Grindey wrote 
from New Zealand: "My experience is that 'box of fluffy ducks' is 
infinitely more common here these days than 'box of birds' - with 
the identical meaning." And Kel Richards of Word of the Day on radio 
in Australia added: "The version I've encountered here in Australia 
is 'as bright as a box of budgies'. I've put its popularity down to 
the alliteration, which English language users seem to like."

CACOETHES  When giving the classical Greek etymology of the word, 
the first letter of "ethos" somehow vanished from my text. Several 
readers pointed out that it would have been better to say that in 
"cacoethes loquendi" the second element is from "loqui", to speak.

2. Decussate  /dI'kVseIt/  (for key see
You may be reminded of Dr Samuel Johnson's famously unhelpful try at 
defining "network" in his Dictionary of 1755: "Any thing reticulated 
or decussated, at equal distances, with interstices between the 
intersections." The moral for lexicographers is not to define a term 
using words that are less familiar than the one you're defining.

The verb "decussate" means to intersect or cross two things to form 
the shape of an X. Its source is the Latin verb "decussāre" with the 
same sense. This can be traced back to the ancient Roman copper coin 
called an "as" (whose name, by the way, is the origin of our "ace"). 
A coin worth 10 of them had the name "decussis", a combination of 
"as" with the word for 10, "decem". As the Roman symbol for 10 was 
"X", "decussis" came to mean cross-shaped and the verb followed.

In everyday life we've never had much need for "decussate", as it's 
much simpler to use "crosswise". Mostly, it turns up in specialist 
fields of study. As an adjective, neurologists use it to describe 
nerve fibres that cross the midline of the spinal cord or brain. For 
botanists, it refers to the leaves in some plants that are arranged 
on the stem in alternate pairs at right angles.

"Decussate" also describes one form of the Christian cross, the one 
that looks like a figure X. Another name for it is the St Andrew's 
Cross, after the saint who is said to have been crucified on one 
that shape. A white on blue St Andrew's Cross, popularly called the 
Saltire, forms the national flag of Scotland and is incorporated in 
the Union flag of the UK.

3. Wordface
BY A NECK  Sonya Brite, an American, heard "pipped at the post", to 
be narrowly defeated at the last moment, from a Canadian friend. It 
is known in several countries, but it's originally British. The verb 
"pip" in this sense, to narrowly beat, dates from the 1830s, perhaps 
from an older sense of a small ball or a pip on a card. The allusion 
in "pipped at the post" is to horse racing, the post marking the 
finishing line. In the Oxford English Dictionary, P G Wodehouse is 
the first recorded user ("Bad luck his getting pipped on the post 
like that"; Ukridge, 1924) but I've found it much earlier in both 
Australia (1888) and the UK (1881). In its early days, it was always 
"on the post"; the "at" form began to appear only in the twentieth 
century and hasn't entirely superseded the other.

HELLO, I'm a little article and I hope you'll find me interesting. 
If that opening made you cringe then you are not alone. The current 
tendency for advertising to address the reader childishly in the 
first person is becoming nauseating. "Keep me in the fridge," says 
the bag of salad; bananas encourage us with "eat me"; a coffee cup 
warns "I'm hot"; a snack tells you that it's "your private stash of 
almonds, cashews, raisins ...". It has become known as "wackaging", 
a blend from "wacky packaging" that was invented by the Guardian 
journalist Rebecca Nicholson in 2011. Everyone blames the smoothies 
maker Innocent, which adopted a chatty and informal style on its 
labels from its beginnings in 1999. These days I see the verbal tic 
on all sides - robot servers email me "I'm afraid I wasn't able to 
deliver your message"; my local buses display the sign "Sorry, I'm 
not in service." Can we go back to grown-up advertising?

4. On the lam
Q. I didn't see "on the lam" in your index, and it came up today in 
a conversation about my neighbors. Don't ask! [Paul Lawrence]

A. But you're asking, right?

"On the lam" has had a good life. It appeared near the end of the 
nineteenth century and is still common. To be on the lam is to be on 
the run from the police or to have escaped from prison. 

    In its quest to find a suspected domestic terrorist on 
    the lam for a decade, the FBI on Friday began placing his 
    image on billboards across the country. 
    [Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Illinois), 1 Mar. 

Another form has been "take it on the lam", as in this example from 
the period of mobsters and hard-boiled detectives:

    He heard the shots, saw the kid tear down the steps, 
    jump into a big sedan and take it on the lam.
    [Trouble is my Business, by Raymond Chandler, 1934.]

"Lam" goes back a lot further than these modern senses. It may be 
from a Scandinavian source - dictionaries mention the Old Norse 
"lemja", literally to lame but usually meaning to give a beating, 
and the Danish and Norwegian "lamme", to paralyse. When "lam" came 
into English in the late 1500s it retained the Old Norse sense of 
beating soundly or thrashing. 

Shortly afterwards it was extended to "lambaste", a doublet that 
added emphasis by including the older "baste" of similar meaning 
that's also from Old Norse (there's no connection so far as we know 
with the cookery or sewing senses). Nowadays, "lambaste" means to 
criticise harshly with no implication of physical force, but that's 
a nineteenth-century shift. 

Unlike "lambaste", "lam" and its close relatives have kept the same 
sense down to modern times:

    Three of the guards will come in with belts. They'll 
    lam into me until they can't lam into me any more. Every 
    day for a week, they'll do that.
    [Come Easy - Go Easy, by James Hadley Chase, 1960.]

These are odd origins for a word that has also come to mean moving 
rapidly away from trouble. "Lam" in this sense is American, from the 
1880s. It's most probably a joke, a play on "beat it" from the same 
period for leaving in haste. That can be traced to seventeenth-
century phrases such as "beating a path" or "beating the hoof", the 
image being of one's feet or horse's hooves trampling the ground.

5. Sic!
Seen by Kate Bunting above one of the stalls in the food court of 
Derby's Westfield Shopping Centre: "Kids eat for £1 when bought with 
a main meal."

The banning of celebrity chef Nigella Lawson from flying to the US 
featured in the Independent, Chris Gray tells us: "The 54-year-old, 
who is a judge on cookery show The Taste in the US, admitted she had 
taken cocaine seven times and also to smoking cannabis during a 
court hearing."

6. Useful information
ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTER: World Wide Words is researched, written and 
published by Michael Quinion in the UK. ISSN 1470-1448. Copyediting 
and advice are provided by Julane Marx, Robert Waterhouse, John 
Bagnall and Peter Morris. Any residual errors are the fault of the 
author. The linked website is

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E-MAIL CONTACT ADDRESSES: Comments on newsletter mailings are always 
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I do try to respond, but pressures of time often stop me from doing 
so. Items for Sic! should go to sic at Questions 
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PRONUNCIATIONS  The pronunciation symbols in this newsletter are a 
plain-text version of the International Phonetic Alphabet. For more 
information visit

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