World Wide Words -- 31 May 14

Michael Quinion michael.quinion at WORLDWIDEWORDS.ORG
Thu May 29 22:02:00 UTC 2014

WORLD WIDE WORDS            ISSUE 884           Saturday 31 May 2014
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1. Feedback, Notes and Comments.
2. Gyre.
3. Skeleton in the closet.
4. Sic!
5. Useful information.

1. Feedback, Notes and Comments
HOLIDAY BREAK  I'm away for a while and so there will be no issues 
during June. The next will be on 5 July.

NUCIFORM  Several readers pointed out that there was nothing odd in 
Nehemiah Grew's creation of "nuciprune" for the walnut, implying a 
fruit halfway between a nut and a plum. Fresh from the tree, walnuts 
are enclosed in nubbly green outer flesh and resemble unripe plums. 
Candida Frith-Macdonald commented, "Almonds are similarly wrapped in 
flesh, and fuzz, being the nutty cousin of the peach and apricot. 
But for the oddest of all, look at the Brazil nut fruit, a real 
master of disguise."

ARSE VERSUS ELBOW  Ray Heindl commented on my item about errors 
being introduced when scanning printed documents: "An OCR [optical 
character recognition] error is sometimes called a 'scanno', by 
analogy with 'typo'. There are also 'spellcheckos', caused by 
blindly accepting a spellchecker's suggestions." 

Robert Nathan wrote, "Converting printed contracts and other 
documents into editable text frequently results in what a former 
secretary aptly dubbed 'devilspeak'. I encountered the cited mis-
transcription of 'arms' [into anus] in scanning an early bound copy 
of Lewis Carroll's Through The Looking Glass, when, in Jabberwocky, 
the invitation extended to 'my beamish boy' took on an unforeseen 
and particularly salacious meaning."

2. Gyre
Many people seeing this word would at once recall Lewis Carroll's 
poem Jabberwocky from Through the Looking-Glass: "'Twas brillig, and 
the slithy toves / Did gyre and gimble in the wabe." 

You might enjoy the version created some years ago by the British 
satirical columnist Miles Kington in the style of Raymond Chandler:

    Outside in the street, the first lights had come on and 
    the slithy toves were doing whatever they do in the wabe. 
    Some days they gyre, some days they gimble. It's no skin 
    off my nose, but I wish they'd make their minds up, then 
    we could all rest easy.

When the toves gyre they spin around, revolve or whirl, an animal 
impersonation of a whirling dervish. You might link it to "gyrate" 
or "gyroscope", which would be appropriate, since all three words 
are from the same source, the Greek "guros", a ring or circle. As a 
noun "gyre" means a spiral or vortex. Geographers use it for a 
circular pattern of currents in an ocean basin, such as the North 
Pacific gyre, which has become infamous as a perennially rotating 
mass of unrottable plastic rubbish. Like "gyrate" and "gyroscope", 
"gyre" is said with a soft "g".

No one, by the way, is sure what slithy toves do when they gimble. 
It was one of Carroll's lesser linguistic inventions and hasn't 
caught on. Humpty Dumpty, Carroll's alter ego, suggested they were 
making holes like a gimlet with their corkscrew noses. Carroll might 
also have had "gambol" in mind, or perhaps gimbal, a contrivance for 
keeping an instrument such as a compass horizontal in a moving 
vessel. If so, pace Miles Kington, toves must simultaneously gyre 
and gimble, spinning to stay balanced.

3. Skeleton in the closet
Q. I can understand why a skeleton in the closet should mean an 
embarrassing fact that's best kept secret, but how did it come into 
existence? [Martin Sturmer]

A. Being British, my figurative skeletons are in a cupboard rather 
than a closet. I learned the idiom that way in childhood, a form 
that's still the more common one, though the version with "closet" 
is also found. 

Such hidden embarrassments aren't limited to family disgrace or 
private misdemeanour:
    RBS chief Stephen Hester has gone as far as he can to 
    prepare expectations that the bailed-out bank will be 
    slapped with a big fine when watchdogs around the globe 
    finally finish their investigations into the manipulation 
    of interest rates. But Libor is not the only skeleton in 
    the cupboard for this industry.
    [Observer, 28 Oct. 2012.]

A tale often repeated links the phrase to the difficulties surgeons 
faced, before the passing of the Anatomy Act of 1832, in obtaining 
cadavers for teaching students. They sometimes did so illegally, as 
the famous case of Burke and Hare made very public. After bodies had 
been thoroughly dissected, so the story goes, the surgeons had to 
hide the skeletons, as they were evidence of a crime. It's sometimes 
suggested instead that it arose from a murder in a family in which 
the body had been hidden away, only later to be found in a mummified 
state, close enough to a skeleton for folkloric purposes. We may 
disregard these tales.

The idea that a skeleton was a figurative representation of a secret 
shame was once thought to be the inspiration of William Makepeace 
Thackeray, who wrote in an article in Punch in 1845 that "There is a 
skeleton in every house." In a novel ten years later, The Newcomes; 
Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family, he wrote, "It is from these 
that we shall arrive at some particulars regarding the Newcome 
family, which will show us that they have a skeleton or two in their 
closets, as well as their neighbours." 

However, we now know that it appeared much earlier in the century:

    In these, as in many other highly important questions, 
    men seem afraid of enquiring after truth; cautions on 
    cautions are multiplied, to conceal the skeleton in the 
    closet or to prevent its escape.
    [A Philosophical Treatise on the Hereditary 
    Peculiarities of the Human Race, by Joseph Adams, 1815, 
    quoted in a review by an anonymous physician in the 
    Eclectic Review of November 1816. This is the first work 
    that set out modern principles of genetic inheritance; 
    Adams is discussing the shame associated with congenital 

So the original form is actually "closet". The earliest example of 
the "cupboard" version I can find is in the Morning Post in October 
1858 and then as the title of a book by Lady Harriet Anne Scott in 

Why the shift? At the time the phrase first appeared, "closet" in 
British English could mean either a cupboard or a private room for 
retirement or study. My impression is that though the verb survived, 
the noun "closet" slowly fell out of use in both senses in Britain 
during the nineteenth century, perhaps because the rise of "water 
closet" (WC), using "closet" in the sense of a small private room, 
made it a less suitable word for polite conversation in Victorian 

For whatever reason, the shift didn't take place in the US, where 
"closet" has always been dominant, with "cupboard" a lesser used 
variant. The partial shift back towards "closet" in the UK seems to 
be the result of American influence.

4. Sic!
Tom DeLorey advises us that on 22 May the Denver Post reported on 
the bad weather in Colorado, "Both storms were driven by the way 
warm air flows into the metro area from the south and east because 
of typography of the surrounding region."

A report that Mark Anderson read on the BBC website on 28 May about 
genericide, the loss of a trademark by a company because it had 
become a general term, had this to say: "German pharmaceutical firm 
Bayer was forced to give up its rights to the Aspirin trademark in 
the Treaty of Versailles, in 1919, which followed its defeat in 
World War One."

A piece on the Telegraph site dated 19 May about Spain's new traffic 
laws surprised George R Francisco with this sentence: "It is quite 
common to witness car occupants swerving between lanes at speed 
without indicating."

"As long as they can count," was Bernard Robertson-Dunn's comment on 
a job advertisement for a numerical analyst he saw on the Fish4Jobs 
site: "We are looking for individuals who understands the importance 
of customer relationships and who is solution focused with excellent 
communication skills."

Margaret Vowles tells us that in the Sunday Times magazine article, 
A Life in the Day, of 18 May, Jane Percy, Duchess of Northumberland, 
said of her daughter "Our eldest, Catherine, is a country girl and 
an expert on birds who can mend guns."

5. Useful information
ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTER: World Wide Words is researched, written and 
published by Michael Quinion in the UK. ISSN 1470-1448. Copyediting 
and advice are provided by Julane Marx, Robert Waterhouse, John 
Bagnall and Peter Morris. Any residual errors are the fault of the 
author. The linked website is

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I do try to respond, but pressures of time often stop me from doing 
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