"Murphy's Laws" and Polish puns

Chuck Borsos sqeezbox at CRUZIO.COM
Tue Jun 22 14:51:42 UTC 1999

And then there is the joke about the Mexican who goes into Sears and tells
the clerk, "Quisiera calcetines".  The clerk tells him, "Sorry buddy but I
don't speak no Spanish"  and motions him over to the catalog to find what
he is looking for.  The man leafs through the catalog, sees tools, women's
underwear, men's underwear, finally sees what he is looking for and
exclaims, "Eso si que es!"  The clerk replies, "Well hell buddy, if you'd a
spelled it before for me I could of showed you right away."

Eso si que es = socks

Chuck Borsos
Santa Cruz, CA

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