ADS-L Digest - 9 Nov 1999 to 10 Nov 1999 (#1999-154)

Mark_Mandel at DRAGONSYS.COM Mark_Mandel at DRAGONSYS.COM
Thu Nov 11 22:45:35 UTC 1999

dInIs asks:

You don't keep whole beans in the freezer and grind them before each brewing?

Nope. There are grinders here at the office, but they grind a lot finer than the
coarse grind that the mavens and baristas tell me my French press wants.

Are you a member of ADS?

Yes... why, can I get a discount on coffee?

-- Mark

     See "Too Much Coffee Man" at
ObDis: I don't write it or profit by it; I just think it's W E I R D !!!

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