
GSCole gscole at ARK.SHIP.EDU
Sat Apr 1 16:07:55 UTC 2000

The first time that I remember drinking wine, was as a teenager, at a
celebration of a relatives' religious confirmation, in the late 1950s.
Knowing that my parents didn't permit me to drink alcohol, someone
offered a wine highball, which turned out to be a glass filled with Coca
Cola, and topped with wine.  A couple of my cousins used much less Coke
in their drinks.

George S. Cole   gscole at
Shippensburg University

Wine highball, using carbonated water, at:

Similar drinks, using carbonated beverages, wine cooler & wine spritzer,

Terminology, per code of federal regulations (not really concerned with
definitions, as much as the concern with words used in labeling), with
wine highball mentioned:

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