[OFF] Teaching: portfolios?

Mai Kuha mkuha at BSUVC.BSU.EDU
Fri Sep 8 14:52:02 UTC 2000

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(It's very low-traffic. Days or weeks go by without messages.)


On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Tim Frazer wrote:

> How can I get on teach-ling?  Sorry to send this to everyone; I can't get
> indivuidual addressses off this list.
> From: Mai Kuha <mkuha at BSUVC.BSU.EDU>
> > ...Several people on teach-ling sent me descriptions of how they've
> > portfolios in linguistics classes, comments on what kind of course they're
> > best suited for, potential pitfalls, and detailed suggestions ...

Mai Kuha                  mkuha at bsuvc.bsu.edu
Department of English     (765) 285-8410
Ball State University

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