Early example of "crap out"?

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Mon Mar 26 00:33:28 UTC 2001

>>My father, a  professor of English and writer, with a wide stock of language
>>at his disposal, was born in 1878 in Ohio, and used (polite!) expressions
>>that I rarely heard elsewhere, or only encountered in books.
>>A. Murie
>Good testimony. A. Murie has to be, well, 'elderly'.
>I remember my grandfather, Gus Odegard, remembering back to old >Tonsberg
>(on Oslofjord, in Norway) when he was less than 10 years of age, >and got
>drug along to visit (in the 19th century!) his elderly pipe-smoking aunt
>>resting in her strawy bed; he remembered her to be mentioned as somehow
>in >her 90s: a rather fresh chicken in 1815, perhaps with memories of the
>>Napoleonic wars, we think!
>Three generations of word-of-mouth memory, word-of-mouth attestation can
>stretch to about 250 years.

Yes; well not quite, perhaps, as elderly as might be supposed from the above.
My father married rather late.  I was born in 1931, when he was 52 years
old. There were some rather long generations in his family: a great uncle
had married at age 60 and had 6 children after that, dying at age 99.
A. Murie

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