"X redux"

Jesse Sheidlower jester at PANIX.COM
Thu Jul 25 19:51:49 UTC 2002

On Thu, Jul 25, 2002 at 02:36:37PM -0500, Mai Kuha wrote:
> Reading Jesse's "'I loves me some X' redux", I've realized I don't know what
> "redux" means. In the Vegetarian Times, "X redux" seems to mean "reduced-fat
> X", in the ADS-L archive it's almost always used in a way that seems to mean
> "a brief comment on X", and a quick google suggests that elsewhere on the
> web it often means something like "summary of X". So it refers to
> "reduction" of all kinds, is that it? Or maybe it's what a person does if
> bullets are still flying after ducking the first time.

Various dictionaries do include this, with definitions like
"(used postpositively) brought back, revisited, returned,"
etc., which is certainly how I intended it. I believe it was
originally in titles, e.g. Trollope's _Phineas Redux,_ more
recently Updike's _Rabbit Redux_ and so forth.

Jesse Sheidlower

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