Honey do / Honeydew

Margaret Lee mlee303 at YAHOO.COM
Sun Jul 28 09:59:58 UTC 2002

Members of my sorority (African American, college graduates) have
referred to their husbands as "honey-dos" for at least as long as I
can remember (from the '60's).

--- Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:
> "Honey Do" (song), THE BEST OF EDDIE CANO, 1962.  Originally 1958?
> "Honey Do!" (song), PROGRESSIVE JAZZ STYLES, Anthony Mecca, 1959.
> "My madness was melons," SATURDAY EVENING POST, 24 June 1933, pp.
> 10+.
>    Probably has something if I have a chance to see the text.
> "Honey Do!," SATURDAY EVENING POST, 9 January 1932, pp. 14-15.
> "The African Glide" (song), by James T. Duffy, 1910.  The first
> line is "Come
> on honey do, and I'll show it to you."
> "Kiss Me, Honey Do" (song), by John Stromberg, 1899.
> "Do Your Honey Do; a Coon Song," by Theodore A. Meto, 1897.
> "Come Down, Ma Honey Do!" (song), by Hugh Morton and Gustave
> Kerker, 1894.
> ---------------------------------------------
> O.T.:  MISC.
> ...While I was out getting a ham sandwich, this Penelope Cruz woman
> I met
> yesterday on the plane showed up at my apartment house to meet me.
> It's a
> good thing she didn't see this place.  Wait'll I tell her that I
> can't
> support a frog.
> ...This is from my "Monthly Adjudications Update," with my Parking
> Violations
> monthly work calendar:
> _Adjournment Policy_
>    Adjournments should only be granted in cases in which the
> documentation
> the respondent seeks to present would bear directly on a finding of
> guilt.
> Adjournments should never be granted when the sole impact of the
> documentation would be to affect the amount of mitigation.
>    The above policy is illegal.  Respondents are usually not
> lawyers.  Many
> times, for example, they forget to bring the hospital record that
> would
> explain a delay and reduce late penalties.  They're not
> allowed--"never"--an
> adjournment to get evidence to help themselves?  This is justice?
>    Oh, it's a miserable job I return to!
> (I was told that the parking fines doubled while I was away.  Was
> this
> reported anywhere?...In the situation above, I almost always accept
> the sworn
> testimony and grant mitigation.  Several times I was reviewed by a
> particular
> senior judge, asked where the documentation was, and was told to
> rule
> negatively based on evidence the department did not allow the
> respondent to
> get.  Fortunately for the city, none of this makes the newspapers.)

Margaret G. Lee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor - English and Linguistics
 & University Editor
Department of English
Hampton University, Hampton, VA 23668
e-mail: margaret.lee at hamptonu.edu   or   mlee303 at yahoo.com

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