Gets Late Early; Reggie=Registration;

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Thu Dec 25 12:51:07 UTC 2003

   Happy holidays to all.


   This continues a study of Yogi-isms using the newly available full-text
SPORTING NEWS and other databases.  If Fred Shapiro has earlier, I apologize.

 7 August 1971, SPORTING NEWS, pg. 19, col. 1:
   Better than anyone, Yogi explained the problem of picking up a flyball in
Yankee Stadium in the autumnal haze when a combination of cigartette smoke,
sunlight and shadows creates a visual hazard.
   "It gets late early out there," said Yogi.


   "Reggie" didn't make the most recent volume of DARE.  I rarely hear
"reggie" for "registration," although I ask for the vehicle registration all the
time.  "You want the reggie?" some (but not many) people say.
   The people who say "reggie" are almost all police officers.  Perhaps that
should be recorded--if not in DARE, then possibly in the HDAS or OED.

OT:  My favorite dialect expression at work?  That would involve Spanish
speakers.  "Let me explain you."

BETA.NEWSPAPERACHIVE.COM doesn't seem to be working right now, so I switched to  If you have nothing to do today, then buy a day pass
here.  It's cheaper than a NYC movie.
   The search engine seems to be changed/improved.  There are now thumnails
that you can use.  For example, here is "Windy City" before 1885 (something the
Chicago Public Library can't tell its own citizens):

Decatur Daily Republican - 8/24/1880 shaking the ivories with a sport of the WINDY CITY. 'The Electric John
Dillon's tbe deeUlon of the Democratic convention CITY DEPARTMENT.
OHCAP 169 pieces American.....Fluid Stoves. They are the best in the CITY.
10-dtf Tut funeral of the late J nines.....and from the depot, and to any part of
the CITY. at the St. Nicholas Hotel wi I receive..
Decatur, Illinois Tuesday, August 24, 1880  629 k

Newark Daily Advocate - 7/30/1885 a splendid opportunity to visit the "WINDY CITY, as the fare for the
round trip.....escort of the remains arrival in New York CITY, to the CITY Hall,
and their delivery. A.....the contemplated national monument in the CITY of
Naw York, and the general manager.....will, after proper consultation with the
CITY authorities, prepare a s.-heilule of the..
Newark, Ohio Thursday, July 30, 1885  908 k

Fort Wayne Daily Gazette - 7/22/1881
...going o between the town aforesaid and th WINDY CITY yclept Chicago. But
th idiot is.....gti mnntLa Three 2. Persons leaving the CITY during th fjmmer
months can have the.....bay for a few years and well washed, that CITY would
soon be as godly a place as could.....evening, it befthe second wedding in this
CITY in ich a Chinese and an American 'oman..
Fort Wayne, Indiana Friday, July 22, 1881  512 k

Fort Wayne Daily Gazette - 7/22/1881
...going on between the town aforesaid and the WINDY CITY yclept Chicago. But
this idiot is.....JS dtimaaUu 5 Thrse S .Persons leaving the CITY during the
9-tmrnef months can have the.....bay for a few years and well washed, that
CITY Would soon be as godly a place as be ing the second wedding in
this CITY in which a Chinese and an American woman..
Fort Wayne, Indiana Friday, July 22, 1881  486 k

Newark Daily Advocate - 3/31/1884
...cheaply securedBrice Ellis who went to the "WINDY CITY" a few days ago,
hat secured a.....OFFICE OVER THE FRAXKMX BASK. Election of CITY Officers CITY
circulation ot the DAILY ADVOCATE 10.....Newark. THE GDOUUII RIOT. The People
of Our CITY Greatly Excited. The DAIMT ADVOCATE can..
Newark, Ohio Monday, March 31, 1884  665 k

Indiana Progress - 7/18/1878
...usage would be wholly impracticable in the WINDY CITY. Cover up a whole
block with a.....and 102, Mr. Robinson and wife of Mountain CITY, native
Kentuckians, married eightytwo.....of the light weight which bakers in that CITY give
to bread, and speaks significantly..
Indiana, Pennsylvania Thursday, July 18, 1878  896 k

   And here's "I'm from Missouri" before 1898.  It appears to be the same
story that I found in the WASHINGTON POST and then earlier in the PHILADELPHIA

Mountain Democrat - 7/17/1897
...I) offer Juujprd For His Life. "I'M FROM MISSOURI, and they'll have to
show That is.....was to jump, and so I jumped. I'M FROM MISSOURI and you'll have
to show mo I", culture or anything different FROM the detestable
surroundings FROM which I..
Placerville, California   Saturday, July 17, 1897  559 k

   Here's the earliest "tuna casserole":

Soda Springs Sun - 11/2/1934
...Weekly Scrapbook WEEK'S BEST RECIPE: TUNA CASSEROLE: 1 can TUNA fish, 1
can condensed.....Vz Inch thick In bottom. Add a half of the TUNA in a layer
then cover wtth a half of can.....soup, 1 can peas potato chips. Orease CASSEROLE
and put a layer of.....with another serving of potato chips, TUNA, soup and
peas. top with chips and bake..
Soda Springs, Idaho Friday, November 02, 1934  494 k

   Here's "jazz."  The NEW YORK TIMES cites are in error, but the 1913
citation is interesting,  There are also 1916 citations for "jazz" music:

New York Times - 4/23/1859
...few chillon from 6 14 }eats of age can For JAZZ, inquire of 5. Petenon s
Store, No. a..
New York, New York   Saturday, April 23, 1859  940 k

New York Daily Times - 12/22/1852
...a very supermr of ROY CLOTHING. oulhht of JAZZ 1133. j.mned, an partner.
(l (lteolthe..
New York, New York   Wednesday, December 22, 1852  832 k

New York Times - 2/27/1858 he Ihe people of their when they pieced. JAZZ, of the bill. It days,
but yet no had..
New York, New York   Saturday, February 27, 1858  814 k

Berkshire County Eagle - 3/8/1860
...and at the Tim ofJdm A. Walker, A. Mardock, JAZZ V. and John E. Merrill.
rim town the I..
Pittsfield, Massachusetts Thursday, March 08, 1860  1015 k

New York Times - 8/1/1859
...the rumor ar.d found that it was a caie JAZZ Jl. Is the wDh an a I01 a
houLe at the..
New York, New York   Monday, August 01, 1859  804 k

New York Times - 1/16/1860
...ii3 lltd aria v montu. Mary W..Cnry, 8. JAZZ. wife or Beman, formerly of
Friday, of..
New York, New York   Monday, January 16, 1860  832 k

New York Times - 6/18/1859 be by with by the Nicaragua Con. stabs b JAZZ to have BatMan called In
October, to..
New York, New York   Saturday, June 18, 1859  790 k

New York Daily Times - 9/25/1852
...34 d.. 134 J T ]uP F hound Yurh look B Ir.m JAZZ and Io %m it 33ds sod 254
to J Hr..e: (t..
New York, New York   Saturday, September 25, 1852  778 k

New York Daily Times - 5/17/1855 the miners of lediaaa for killing J. Me JAZZ% found and ou the 31at
orlast month. The..
New York, New York   Thursday, May 17, 1855  911 k

Fort Wayne Weekly Sentinel - 6/4/1913
...Francisco the most popular word is 'the old JAZZ.' It means anything you
may happen to..
Fort Wayne, Indiana Wednesday, June 04, 1913  705 k

   Here's "Grant took Richmond":

Massillon Independent - 9/8/1898
...and confidence without stint. GRANT TOOK RICHMOND, captured Lee's army two
cried.....the new forage the Florida velvet HOW GRANT MET LINCOLN. Attending
the Klrnt ml.....melon jou mus' know what you to at Aa' TOOK out bow de knife
IB gwine in; Pat one.....replied that the country wanted him to take RICHMOND
.and asked if he cculd do it, to wh..
Massillon, Ohio Thursday, September 08, 1898  725 k

Washington Post - 4/30/1916
...It'a JHappy. f; W She'll TakpHim Ijke GRANT TOOK RICHMOND, Yea Bo amp; M
He Had a I4ttle.....The committee believes this method will GRANT every golfer
sit the clulb an op.....J a Hot Meal fe f Once a J V Month. Fulton TOOK Nap
While Walling for Reich Boul Latter..
Washington, District Of Columbia   Sunday, April 30, 1916  776 k

Reno Evening Gazette - 6/26/1916
...that it has not been in since GRANT TOOK RICHMOND Reno, All the Way As to off to a bad start when Jerry's bunch TOOK three runs, in the
opening inning. It..
Reno, Nevada Monday, June 26, 1916  939 k

   A few years ago, Allan Metcalf asked me to be 1871 for "Groundhog Day."
The Bill Murray movie GROUNDHOG DAY is showing in town this weekend.  Here are
the antedatings:

Portsmouth Times - 2/5/1870
...always reliable. LAST WednesDAY was "GROUND HOG" DAY. The animal saw his
shadow and.....and contains three and one-half acres of GROUND. The idea of
establishing a City.....week from next MonDAY is St. VaJeutine's DAY. __ THE
weather, for the past few DAYs.....Eagle says Henry Smoot sold a cow the other DAY
for 8500. She was a Durham. The purchaser..
Portsmouth, Ohio Saturday, February 05, 1870  832 k

Indiana Progress - 2/4/1870
...column. WEDNESDAY the inst., was GROUND HOG DAY, to ar, old saying, the
GROUND HOG.....Encampment, was next gone into. It to llio GROUND, a distance of
about eigh teen feet.....comes out of his hole this DAY, and if ho sees his
shadow, goes back issue the "I'KOOiucss'' at an earlier DAY in the
week, so that all its subscribers..
Indiana, Pennsylvania Friday, February 04, 1870  914 k

Herald And Torch Light - 2/12/1868 known throughout the country as GROUND HOG DAY. On that DAY the GROUND
HOG leaves.....of its kind that we have tasted for many a DAY. Gunnin lloii
DAY. SunDAY, the 2nd.....with a sufficiency of snow to cover the GROUND, and to
afford pretty good sleighing.....The One-half of 35 Acres of Wheat, in the
GROUND, aud much othar property not to name..
Hagerstown, Maryland Wednesday, February 12, 1868  1120 k

   Finally, "OK" is the usual mess, but see the BANGOR DAILY WHIG AND

Bangor Daily Whig And Courier - 1/22/1838
...OK -i IS.l1 i of iituafion, buundirien, just V No. 3 Blue
FKKOERICK LAMBERT._ OK jau PKW iu fomrov..
Bangor, Maine Monday, January 22, 1838  551 k

Huron Reflector - 4/24/1838
of" REAL..
Norwalk, Ohio Tuesday, April 24, 1838  731 k

Bangor Daily Whig And Courier - 1/8/1839
...Iphrfns, OftrtiLrore. GflTf'c usliiu.iso'OK, Swiss a'tid Mull Cambric
sWushn, i.....r fbp'e, T. r Cherry Hrrif, E. -fa i'ito OK Machia8r J.AT. W. Allan,
T. Farnsworth..
Bangor, Maine Tuesday, January 08, 1839  697 k

Alton Telegraph - 12/14/1839 tW iiiertMsiii" dfinanU fur IIHK CAUSF OK BILIOUS COMPLAINTS AND A OK
Ct A wei.....aud i.< iitincn's aud KrFrnt fir li ..OK-, wmpltle. with Bridles
and ipritW Schoel.....verj superior. fiipgO] G. VAN IVORY SETS OK KNIVES
FOI.KS, con l-l.-ir; some rery fine..
Alton, Illinois Saturday, December 14, 1839  645 k

Republican Compiler - 1/8/1839 u M., THE PROPERTY situated on the 1 OK> NOVEMBER Michael IIuiFujau.
Monies IE It..
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Tuesday, January 08, 1839  711 k

Bangor Daily Whig And Courier - 10/15/1840
...iOO Mush Wheat. Shorts a substitute for Pwv OK PSALMODY; by the Uoslivn
Handel ender. now.....clear Pvik, not born re1 i" JU -4-W i 10 >0 OK PSALMODY;
by the IJosliwi Handel ender..
Bangor, Maine Thursday, October 15, 1840  562 k

Bangor Daily Whig And Courier - 5/2/1838
...30 to 30 gallons Wall W.-F-. ottTHE AII r OK SWIFT WRITING' ftlre any
thing eTeCTed, we.....jrc inviieil lo cofl at Nn. 30 Main street. OK URY GOODS
OEKU iH4.TUI.1 wiH IIHVP ihbir..
Bangor, Maine Wednesday, May 02, 1838  563 k

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