"Make like a tree and leave" (1954)

Tom Dalzell slangman at PACBELL.NET
Thu Feb 26 01:41:12 UTC 2004

And then there was:

make like an alligator and drag ass: To leave in a hurry
"Hot Rod Terms in the Pasadena Area"
Don Mansell and Joseph S. Hall
American Speech, May 1954
p 100

Tom Dalzell

Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:

>   It was at the end of the day today (another day wasted like so many
>others) and I didn't know if anyone was still waiting for a hearing on parking
>   "Make like a tree," the guard told me.
>   "Make like a tree?"
>   "Make like a tree and get outta here.  Make like a tree and leave!"
>   That damn hotel "body bar"!  I knew that I shouldn't have come back from
>Panama smelling like a eucalpytus!!!
>   The CASSELL DICTIONARY OF SLANG has this under "make like a--" and gives
>"1950a+."  The HDAS has 1958 for "make like bubblegum and blow," then 1968 for
>"make like a tree and leave."
>Gettysburg Times - 3/18/1954
>...As or "sweet." A fAvorite pun is "MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve." Los Angeles
>kids who.....t be there) And "I dig it the leAst" (don't LIKE I it At All) A
>nd think I'll pick up jon..
>Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Thursday, March 18, 1954  674 k
>Reno Evening Gazette - 9/23/1957
>...reAching for is "cuttings." "ShAll we MAKE LIKE A TREE And "Where did you
>leArn All "I.....And the ImAginAtion, An excellent book for those who Are not
>mAthemAticAlly.....Kohler. TAken together, these exAmples look LIKE A
>right-turn trend Among liberAl.....you do not dig me, DAddy0, A jelly tot is LIKE .A
>Jim DAndy. Only -younger. A Jim DAndy..
>Reno, Nevada Monday, September 23, 1957  573 k
>Appeal Democrat - 12/17/1958
>...MAKE the effort." "NeAt, beAt. So I'll MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve." And he
>did. We could.....As in the United StAtes. The AverAge-sized book would retA
>il At hArdly less thAn the.....Those who leAd us into this chAnnel will be LIKE
>the sorcerer who knew the Art of mAking.....IIM8 For A Fire-Free ChristmAs IK
>ChristmAs TREE, lit All Usitrcu fires eAch over And..
>Marysville, California Wednesday, December 17, 1958  728 k
>Newport Daily News - 4/15/1954
>...As or "sweet." A fAvorite pun is "MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve." Los Angeles
>kids who.....pAinted trim in the children's room, book cAses. Scouring
>powder: HArd to beAt for.....pAin is mAking him fussy. He will probAbly LIKE to hAve
>you rub his gums. He rubs them.....Anything he cAn get hold of, but he'd LIKE
>to hAve you do some rubbing too. CleAn..
>Newport, Rhode Island   Thursday, April 15, 1954  512 k
>Indiana Evening Gazette - 3/18/1954
>...bAses Aroucd RussiA. He mAde the or "MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve." Los A
>ngeles kids who.....officiAls Are showing disLIKE for A phrAse LIKE "new look"
>Sisenhower himselfj 1.....world Bikini-ism ThAt meAns swimsuits LIKE. those worn
>Above by Bonnie Y eAger..
>Indiana, Pennsylvania Thursday, March 18, 1954  839 k
>Mountain Democrat - 3/4/1987
>...by DAve Cole HEY YOU, why dontchA MAKE LIKE A TREE And leAve HA, hA. I got
>A million.....test wAs tAken, the CHP sAid. Church's new TREE to be plAnted
>soon COLOMA The EmmAnuel.....Church in ColomA is About to get A new TREE to
>replAce the venerAble old cedAr thAt.....contrActed to plAnt A young Incense CedA
>r TREE in the sAme spot inhAbited by the former..
>Placerville, California Wednesday, March 04, 1987  500 k

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