Wine Cooler; Sangria

Douglas G. Wilson douglas at NB.NET
Mon Mar 8 04:13:29 UTC 2004

I find this "sangri'a" on-line in the 1803 dictionary of the RAE (Spanish
Royal Academy) (but not in the 1791 edition nor earlier editions).

<<Bebida que se compone de agua de limon y vino tinto.>>

I don't see why it couldn't have arisen from "sangri'a" = "bleeding" (old
medical procedure).

The RAE dictionary may have been rather conservative, I think, and perhaps
this "sangri'a" was conventional in Spanish much earlier (just
speculation). 1803 is still 67 years after the earliest OED citation
(assuming that "sangre" in 1736 was truly continuous with the later
"sangaree" etc.).

-- Doug Wilson

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