"Glass bottle" (vb)

Jonathan Lighter wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM
Wed Jan 26 03:46:33 UTC 2005

It may not fit all the cites, but consider the possibility that "glass-bottle" means (or will someday mean) "to throttle."

Just a Yank's wild guess.


Dave Hause <dwhause at JOBE.NET> wrote:
---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender: American Dialect Society
Poster: Dave Hause
Subject: Re: "Glass bottle" (vb)

With absolutely no literary citation, but an ex-cop's memory, I would
suggest that "glass bottle" as a verb refers not to using it as a club but
to smashing it in the middle of the dilated part, using the neck as the
handle, and using the broken end as a cutting or slashing weapon.
Dave Hause, dwhause at jobe.net
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
----- Original Message -----
From: "John McChesney-Young"

Since Google inconveniently doesn't allow one to distinguish parts of
speech in searches, "glass bottle" is useless as a search phrase, and
strings like "to glass bottle" and "glass bottled" aren't as helpful
as I'd hoped at first they might be. Adding "violence" to the search
field did turn up this article, though:

Surgeon on glass bottle 'weapon'


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