Antedatings for the Yale Book of Quotations

Mullins, Bill AMRDEC Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL
Mon Nov 20 19:22:09 UTC 2006

I got a copy of Fred's book over the weekend.  It is great.  Go get one.
I'll wait.

Now that you're back, here are some antedatings for it:

Modern Proverbs 71 "All Publicity is good publicity."  1938

"Publicity" by Elmer Applegit _Sphinx_ Vol 35 No. 9; Nov. 1936 p. 245
"And for those who can be thrilled by looking at smudgy pictures of
themselves from forgotten issues any publicity is good publicity."

Modern Proverbs 76 "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." 1908

"JOTTINGS." _The New Mirror_; Aug 5, 1843; Vol 1, No 18; pg. 285 [quote
from p 287]
"I think it possible such an exclusive resort might be at first a little
unpopular, (remembering that some three years ago a millionaire was
stoned for riding through Broadway with a mounted servant in livery
behind him,) but as one of the hand-to-mouth class, I do not care how
soon the rich get richer and the poor poorer -- leaving a comfortable
middle class, in which ambition might stop to breath."

Modern Proverbs 78 "Safety First" 1912

"High Pressure Steam in Condensing Engines." _Scientific American_; Jun
15, 1861; VOL. IV., NO. 24.; pg. 378
"Safety first, and saving of fuel second, should be the rule in steam

"A "Safety First" Movement" _The Hartford Courant_; Feb 10, 1911; pg. 8

Modern Proverbs 79 "Don't make the same mistake twice." 1912

'Our Children.' _Christian Advocate_; May 20, 1880; vol 55, no. 21; pg.
"Some wise man says, 'Success does not consist in never making mistakes,
but in never making the same mistake twice.' "

Modern Proverbs 80 "If you can't say anything good about people don't
say anything." 1922

"Nicky the Waif" by James Franklin Fitts _Ballou's Monthly Magazine_;
Nov 1873; vol 38, no. 5; pg. 486 [quote from p. 487]
"Since I can't say anything good about him, I will keep all the bad out
of sight that I can."

"MINISTERS ARE STILL AT WORK" _The Atlanta Constitution_; Nov 28, 1897;
pg. 2
"I hope the North Georgia conference will go away from here with this
determination:  "If I can't say anything good about a brother, I'll keep
my mouth shut." "

Modern Proverbs 82 "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil." 1913

"Amusements" _The [Lincoln] Nebraska State Journal Nov 28 1909 p B-5
"Clark's monkeys give a varied entertainment and really do everything
but talk.  One of the features of the performance is the famous "See No
Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil." "

Modern Proverbs 85 "Shoot first and ask questions afterward." 1907

"From the Rebel Capital" _Dallas Morning News_ June 13 1897 p 2
"As for the Spaniards, they shoot first and inquire after as to the
standing of the man."

"Capt. Labatt's Visit" _Dallas Morning News_  Sept 16 1900 p. 9
"The orders are to shoot first and make inquiries afterward."

Modern Proverbs 89 "It takes one to know one." 1951

"Just Among Us Girls," Kathryn Kenney [Middletown, NY] _Daily Herald_
Jan 25 1926 p. 6
"It takes one to know one, or words to that effect."

Modern Proverbs 90 "Be thankful for small mercies." 1922

"The State Press" _Dallas Morning News_ Feb 12 1894 p. 4
"The people should be thankful for small favors."

Modern Proverbs 91 "It's the thought that counts." 1936

"Kate Clyde" Kate Clyde _Racine [Wis] Daily Journal_ May 6 1904 p 12
"It isn't the quantity; it is the thought that counts."

"No Indian Givers These, But Plenty Wild!" Vivian Richardson _Dallas
Morning News_  Nov 26 1933 Feature Sec. p. 1
"And the reciever has to keep repeating "it's the thought that counts"
to keep from dashing out and committing mayhem or something."

Modern Proverbs 92  "Three strikes and your're out." 1938

"Uncle Wiggily Looks for Spring," _Dallas Morning News_ Mar 20 1933 Sec
2 p. 3
" "I wonder . . . what Unkie Wig meant when he said he was going out?"
"It couldn't be baseball; three strikes and you're out," said Buster."

Modern Proverbs 99 "You win a few, you lose a few." 1958

"Bosox, Bums Top Leagues on Key Date" Whitney Martin (AP) _Walla Walla
Union Bulletin_ Jul 5 1946 p. 7
"Pittsburgh Pirates -- Not good, not bad.  Win a few, lose a few more."

"With Malice Toward None" BILL LEE Sports Editor. _The Hartford
Courant_; Jul 10, 1947 ; pg. 13
"Told him he might win a few and lose a few more and stay in the minors
the rest of his life."

"Fair or Foul" by Lawton Carver _Mansfield [Ohio] News Journal_ Aug 25
1952 p. 10
"They win a few, lose a few, scuffle and blunder and fumble because not
one of those clubs can be rated as a solid ball club which is well set
in all departments."

"Side Views" _The [Hayward CA] Daily Review_ Sept 16 1953 p. 13
"Win a Few, Lose a Few" [paragraph heading]

Modern Proverbs 103 "We're only young once." 1929

"The Rover," by George Randolph Chester _Dallas Morning News_ May 25
1913 Sec 2 p. 2
" "Suit yourself, Tommy," laughed Ames, "but you're only young once, you

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