Another kind of buddy

Tue Jun 12 19:41:10 UTC 2007

I just recently heard the fuck buddy collocation from a younger (about 19)
female friend in reference to a male about her age that she has occasional
sex with but without any sort of emotional or long-term commitment (referred
to as "NSA" in personal classifieds; = 'no strings attached').  She said it
quite off-handedly, suggesting to me that it was part of her everyday
working vocabulary, at least in informal contexts.  She is a server in a
restaurant and is attending college in this (Cincinnati) area.

FB is then heterosexual in the use I heard.  I can attest that it is not an
unusual phrase in the sense I am referring to, at least not among (some of)
the younger people I have (over)heard.

I am bcc'ing my aged-20ish children and nephews on this; will report.

Frank Abate

The American Dialect Society -

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