Newmarket switch, Ancaster cock

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Fri Jun 29 18:32:42 UTC 2007

 From another list.  Possibilities for the OED?
[Eudora, that femme terrible, is expressing her
own opinion about "Ancaster cock" -- "likely to
offend the average reader".  But of course there are no such on this list.]


>Date:         Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:31:13 +0200
>>In the anonymously published “A Modest Defense
>>of Gaming”, the author describes the
>>fashionable  l gentleman in the following
>>manner.  “
he would walk about with a Newmarket
>>Switch in his Hand, his Hair in Papers, and his Hat in the Ancaster Cock.”
>>The phrases “Newmarket Switch” and “Ancaster Cock” elude me.  They
>>are not mentioned in the O.E.D.  Search engines yield nothing.  Any
>Only the obvious ones: a switch as used in horse racing of the style
>common in Newmarket, and the hat worn at the same angle as that
>favoured by a duke of Ancaster, at least one of which was in the
>horse racing trade.

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