Gov Palin

Tom Zurinskas truespel at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu Sep 4 14:18:13 UTC 2008

I noticed Gov. Palins "s" endings as well.  I call it spelnountseeng where the plural "s" is said as an "s" ~s (as spelled) instead of ~z.  Pres. Bush does this as well, big time.  It must be a Republican thing.

The name "Palin" seems to bounce between (PAY-lin) ~Paelin (in truespel) and PAL-in (~Palin) as spoken by others.  I think it's ~Paelin.

She's no "r" dropper.  Her ending "r"s are salient.

She's is a big time "awe-dropper", substituding the vowel "ah" for "awe".  My favorite was COCK-a-sis (~Kaakusis) for Caucasus (~Kaukusis according to  It's ~laa for "law", ~kaaz for "cause", ~aathher for "author" etc.  These to me are mispronunciations.

She has many spelnountseengz I like.  She uses "ex" instead of "ix" for words starting with "ex".  She said ~children for "children" which was a true spelnountseeng (I hear ~chooldrin a lot even from educators.)  She also spelnountsiz suffix "ed" as ~ed (Most often it's ~id, I think).

These are little things.  She tocks clearly and beautifully and I think the crowd was odd.

Tom Zurinskas, USA - CT20, TN3, NJ33, FL5+
See - and the 4 truespel books plus "Occasional Poems" at

> Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2008 08:22:05 -0400
> From: marcjvelasco at GMAIL.COM
> Subject: Gov Palin
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender: American Dialect Society
> Poster: Marc Velasco
> Subject: Gov Palin
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I noticed Gov Palin does not voice the /s/ on plural nouns, e.g. brokers (vs
> brokerz), boys (vs boyz). Is this particular to Alaska, or is it common in
> the northern reaches?
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society -

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