more taboo avoidance

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Mon Apr 30 18:43:43 UTC 2012

On Apr 30, 2012, at 1:28 PM, Victor Steinbok wrote:

> I thought HuffPo does not shy from printing full expressions, but that
> does not mean individual bloggers may not exercise their own brand of
> censorship.
> No cover up in Spanish for the first word, however--although I am not
> sure how "offensive" it may be. Note that the second quote is sanitized
> in Spanish sources (and other Spanish language sources that I came across).
>> "Traté de ser profesional y alejarme de mis emociones, pero cuando lo
>> vi, pensé, ¡menudo cabrón!", asegura Anna.
I'm finding the image of Dentist Anna's formerly toothed bastard in the form of male-goat tripe soup, whether or not that really is the literal meaning of "menudo cabrón", is hard to get out of my mind.  What's the gustatory equivalent of an earworm?


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