sticky navs

Victor Steinbok aardvark66 at GMAIL.COM
Sat Oct 12 10:41:53 UTC 2013

I believe, it might be a bit early for actual WOTY nominations, but it's
not too early to start compiling lists of candidates (JB already started
on his).

This one is interesting because the concept is quite old but recently
resurrected. And there are several different names for the concept, with
"sticky navs" being one of the more recent ones, but it's not new either
(at least 2008). The early versions appeared in about 1996-7 as a
loading-time saver (spreadsheets have sticky headers to simplify
navigation as well, but the technology is quite different, as is the
purpose). As HTML frames fell out of favor and connection speed
increased, these devolved--before making a comeback in the last couple
of years.

More here

Salmon's piece immediately got a number of followups from other
bloggers, so there's certainly some buzz associated with it.


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