[Algonquiana] call for papers for American Name Society

MONICA MACAULAY mmacaula at wisc.edu
Wed Jun 17 18:26:37 UTC 2020

From: laurelasutton at gmail.com <laurelasutton at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 1:07 PM


I am the Vice President of the American Name Society and we have just released our revised call for papers, which I have attached. I think it would be of interest to the members of your list. Would it be possible for you to post it? If not, no worries!

The call is also posted at our website: https://www.americannamesociety.org/revised-call-for-papers-ans-2021-online-january-22-25-2021/

Of course, we'd be happy to post any of your calls to our list as well.

Thank you!

Laurel Sutton

ANS Vice President

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