9ICAL and COOL-5 conference dates

Andy Pawley apawley at coombs.anu.edu.au
Thu Dec 14 06:07:08 UTC 2000

Dear Austronesianists

A year has passed since a first notice was posted giving the venue
and approximate dates for the 9th International Conference on
Austronesian Linguistics (9-ICAL) and the 5th International
Conference on Oceanic Linguistics (COOL-5). It's time for an update.

The two conferences will be held back-to-back in January 2002, at the
Australian National University in Canberra.

The dates for 9-ICAL will be  8-11 January (Tuesday to Friday).

The dates for COOL-5 will be 14-16 January (Monday to Wednesday).

By February 2001 we expect to have a web site set up giving further
information about arrangements for the conferences, including
registration fees, accommodation options, contact addresses and of
course a call for papers.  This information will also be posted on
AN-lang. In the meantime, please hold your fire on enquiries until
the next posting -- but start thinking about your paper.

Andrew Pawley
(for the Austronesian Conference Steering Committee)

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