Help needed

John Edward Terrell terrell at
Mon Jan 17 11:32:52 UTC 2000

Dear colleagues,

John Hart (N.Y. State Museum) and I are editing a book called "Darwin and
Archaeology: A Handbook of Key Concepts" to be published by Greenwood Press.

The volume is designed for students.  It's got chapters by different
authors each dealing in depth with a single concept of evolution (e.g.,
complexity, culture, natural selection, learning, etc.).

There are also brief case studies illustrating how these concepts are
currently being applied in archaeology.

But it's a book that is not just intended for students of archaeology.
It's for anyone interested in biological and cultural evolution.

To help readers find out how they usually think about evolution *before*
they read this book, we have designed a short, self-administered "Darwin
Quiz" (8 brief questions).

This quiz is *not* a true/false test.  It is more like one of those "Are
You and Your Significant Other Really Made for Each Other?" exams that you
find in popular magazines.

Right now THE DARWIN QUIZ is available as a beta-test version on-line at

We invite you to take a few moments, take the quiz, and then tell us (there
is a "Comments Form" included and only a mouse-click away) whether you
think the quiz works.

Thanks in advance.


John Edward Terrell, Ph.D., Director
New Guinea Research Program, The Field Museum
Roosevelt Rd. at Lake Shore Dr., Chicago, IL 60605 USA
Voice:  (312) 665-7822 * Fax: (312) 665-7193
". . . in a scientific pursuit there is continual food for
discovery and wonder" (Mary Shelley)

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