Research in East Timor

Lance Eccles lance.eccles at
Thu Apr 11 22:06:38 UTC 2002

Dear Colleagues,

You may be interested in the following two items from the Directorate
of the Instituto Nacional de Linguística (INL) at the National
University of East Timor.

As from 20 May 2002 (Independence Day) all foreign scholars wishing
to undertake field work in East Timor will require an official permit
issued by the INL. The assessment process for applications will
consider the extent to which proposed language research and
development projects fit in with the general aims of the government
of the Democratic
Republic of East Timor, and specifically Clause 12 of the
Constitution, which defines Tetum and Portuguese as the official
languages of the state and indicates the government's commitment to
fostering and developing the other 'national' (i.e. indigenous)

The INL Directorate would be most grateful if you would bring this
important document to the attention of the research office and ethics
committee of your university or research institute to ensure that all
language-oriented work on East Timor conducted by your institution is
in conformity with the laws of the Democratic Republic of East Timor.

For an electronic copy of the document "Language and Linguistics
Research in East Timor: Government Research Permit Application
Information", please contact the INL Director of Research and
Publications, Dr Geoffrey Hull <g.hull at>

The original Portuguese text of the document is also available on request.

The INL is about to publish electronically its first research bulletin.

Research Bulletin #1 (April 2002) will describe the INL-approved
ongoing research work on languages of East Timor begun during the
first year of the Institute's operation.

Please let me know if you would like to subscribe to this bulletin,
posted twice yearly (April and October) as an electronic attachment,
and I will add your e-mail address to the list.

Dr Lance Eccles (Macquarie University, Sydney)
Directorado do Instituto Nacional de Linguística
Universidade Nacional de Timor Lorosa’e
Avenida Cidade de Lisboa
East Timor

Dr Lance Eccles                    **
Department of Asian Languages      **
Macquarie University               **
NSW 2109                           **
Australia                          **
fax +61 2 9797 0003                **
ph  +61 2 9850 7023                **
lance.eccles at             **  **

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