Arabic-L:LING/PEDA:jiim/giim response

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Sat May 6 18:21:36 UTC 2000

Arabic-L: Sat 06 May 2000
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: jiim/giim

Date: 06 May 2000
From: Benjamin Troutman <troutmab at>
Subject:  jiim/giim

Mr. Mughazy wrote:
> Moreover, using [jiim] is called [ta3Teesh eg-giim] which suggests
> that people perceive it as unnatural pronunciation.

I would like to know who these "people" are and what an "unnatural
pronunciation" is.  Moreover, it would be interesting to find out on the
map of Arabic variations, MSA or the natural ones, where the ji:m stops
and the ka:f starts in arabic orthography in terms of pronuncing
"foreign" words.  i'd definately place my bets that anywhere in the
peninsula (besides parts of oman) we'd see the change.  just a thought...

Also regarding Arabic orthography, it's a shame that some language
grumblers and worry worts think it's a grave transgression to use the
ingenius orthography of the arabic-speaking world's persian and urdu

please send more comments about phonological variations and language
attitudes.  i love this stuff!

all the best,

benjamin troutman

End of Arabic-L: 06 May 2000

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