Arabic-L:GEN:Distiller Printer Driver on Win 98 Query

Dilworth B. Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Wed Feb 14 22:30:55 UTC 2001

Arabic-L: Wed 14 Feb 2001
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject: Distiller Printer Driver on Win 98 Query

Date: 14 Feb 2001
From: Joseph Norment Bell <joseph.bell at>
Subject: Distiller Printer Driver on Win 98 Query

Distiller Printer Driver won't install on my Win 98 Arabic Enabled
Platform. Can anyone help?

I cannot completely install any version of Acrobat 4.0.5 (English or
ME) on Windows 98 Arabic Enabled. I get the message "The printer
driver you are using does not print in your local language," followed
by the warning that installation may cause Windows to fail and that I
should contact the printer producer. The Adobe PDFMaker signs its
When I try to create a PDF file, whether from English or ME (on Win
98), I get the message "PDF Maker cannot locate the Acrobat Distiller
Printer Driver. Please reinstall Adobe Acrobat 4.0.5." Obviously this
does not help. At 98% of any English Acrobat installation on Win 98
the installation hangs, and I when I then abort I get the message
about the printer again. (Is this circular or recursive?!) Acrobat ME
reports a successful installation, but the printer driver has not in
fact been installed and the same message about not printing in my
language appears.

To the obvious question, did I try Acrobat ME when installed alone,
without the English version installed in another folder, the answer
is a qualified yes. I am uncertain to what extent my uninstalling of
English Acrobat was complete, since the English uninstall never
initializes properly, so I did it once manually and once with the
uninstaller of Acrobat ME.

Now for Windows 2000. Here the English version of Acrobat works,
although it freezes just as it finishes, so you don't know that it
has produced a file, until you look for it. I will not try to install
the ME version on Windows 2000 before I get help, to avoid confusing
the program. But I presume it will work at least as well as the

The main problem here is with me or with Windows 2000. Despite
various attempts, I am unable to get it to show Arabic numerals as
Arabic where Windows 98 does (in accordance with context or
deliberate font formatting). Acrobat Distiller, under the influence
of Windows 2000, even redoes the numbers in valid PS files!

So here finally is the essence of my problem. Either I must get
Acrobat Distiller Printer Driver to install properly on Windows 98
Arabic Enabled (or Localized if that is the answer), where my Arabic
numerals format correctly in Word, or I must get Word, Acrobat, etc.
running under Windows 2000 to format numerals the same as when they
are running under Arabic Windows 98 Arabic Enabled. Preferably both.

System info, etc.:
Hard drive 40GB, primary partition 25 GB with Win 98, secondary 15GB
with Win 2000; Pentium 866 processor; removeable 250MB Zip Drive; DVD
drive; CD burner; Memory: 256 MB; Word on both platforms + Office
2000 Pro; Billion ISDN PCI card on both platforms; iomegaware on
both; 3D Graphic Accelerator on both platforms; ABIT SX-1.30M for
motherboard; Norton Utilities under Win 98; Creative CD-RW Blaster
for CD burner on Win 98; Norman Anti-Virus on Win 98; Sound driver
generic from ABIT on both platforms; Novell client on Win 98.

End of Arabic-L: 14 Feb 2001

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