Arabic-L:LIT:Needs source of remembered anecdote from 15th century

Dilworth Parkinson Dilworth_Parkinson at
Mon Mar 25 23:20:30 UTC 2002

Arabic-L: Mon 25 Mar 2002
Moderator: Dilworth Parkinson <dilworth_parkinson at>
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1) Subject:Needs source of remembered anecdote from 15th century

Date:  25 Mar 2002
From:"Daniel C. Peterson" <daniel_peterson at>
Subject:Needs source of remembered anecdote from 15th century

I distinctly remember reading this little vignette which I have written 
up as follows, and which I would like to use for an article.  Does 
anyone know if it is genuine, and what the source might be?

Meanwhile, in 1492—which is to say, again at the close of the fifteenth
century—the Spanish had reconquered Spain after nearly 800 years of 
presence and cultural efflorescence there.  As he rode away from his 
palace, the Alhambra, the last Muslim ruler of Granada turned to take one
last look at it, in a pass that is still known as the Ultimo Suspiro del
Moro, “The Last Sigh of the Moor.”  And a tear trickled down his cheek.
Seeing it, his mother-in-law remarked, “It is fitting that you should 
like a woman for what you could not defend like a man.”

End of Arabic-L:  25 Mar 2002

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